Doyoung Shin
Cited by
Cited by
Capillary wicking effect of a Cr-sputtered superhydrophilic surface on enhancement of pool boiling critical heat flux
HH Son, GH Seo, J Uiju, D Shin, SJ Kim
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 113, 115-128, 2017
Effects of layer-by-layer assembled PEI/MWCNT surfaces on enhanced pool boiling critical heat flux
GH Seo, U Jeong, HH Son, D Shin, SJ Kim
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 109, 564-576, 2017
Identification of the extinction mechanism of lean limit hydrogen flames based on Lewis number effect
J Jeon, D Shin, W Choi, SJ Kim
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 174, 121288, 2021
Indefinite sustainability of passive residual heat removal system of small modular reactor using dry air cooling tower
MW Na, D Shin, JH Park, JI Lee, SJ Kim
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 52 (5), 964-974, 2020
Effect of layer-by-layer assembled carbon nanotube coatings on dropwise condensation heat transfer associated with non-condensable gas effect
T Kim, D Shin, J Lee, SJ Kim
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 175, 121345, 2021
CFD analysis of natural convection flow characteristics of various gases in the spent fuel dry storage system
D Shin, U Jeong, G Jeun, SJ Kim
The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery 19 (4), 19-28, 2016
Development of the thermal performance model using temperature gradient analysis for optimized design of steam surface condenser
D Shin, J Jeon, T Kim, JH Park, SJ Kim
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 163, 120411, 2020
Intrinsic effects of Cr-layered accident-tolerant fuel cladding surface on reflood heat transfer
D Shin, SJ Kim
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 186, 122512, 2022
Preliminary analysis of the effect of the gas injection on natural circulation for molten salt reactor type small modular reactor system operated without a pump
J Lim, D Shin, T Kim, JH Park, J Lee, YS Cho, Y Kim, S Kim, SJ Kim
Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Changwon, Korea, 2021
Lumped analysis of effective long-term coolability by using flooding safety system for small modular reactors
JH Park, D Shin, T Kim, LJ Ik, Y Kim, SJ Kim
Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Virtual Autumn Meeting, October …, 2021
Thermodynamic study of SCO2 recompression brayton cycle with intercooling and reheating for light water reactor
J Lim, J Jeon, JH Park, D Shin, SJ Kim
Proceedings of the Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Virtual Autumn …, 2020
Local heat transfer characteristics of natural circulation flow inside an 8× 8 partial spent fuel assembly under dry storage
D Shin, JS Kwon, T Kim, SJ Kim
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 128, 431-442, 2019
Boundary condition coupling methods and its application to BOP-integrated transient simulation of SMART
SSC Jongin Yang, Hong Hyun Son, Yong Jae Lee, Doyoung Shin, Taejin Kim
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 55 (6), 2023
Performance criterion of an indirect dry air-cooled condenser for small modular reactor based on pressure transition temperature
D Shin, MW Na, JI Lee, Y Kim, SJ Kim
International Journal of Energy Research 43 (14), 8190-8203, 2019
Preliminary analysis of coupling supercritical CO2 cycle and natural draft dry cooling tower for small modular reactor application
J Lim, D Shin, T Kim, JH Park, JI Lee, SJ Kim
Proceedings of the Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Virtual Spring …, 2021
Preliminary Assessment on Feasibility of the Indefinite Passive Residual Heat Removal System for the ATOM-SCO2
MW Na, D Shin, JH Park, JI Lee, SJ Kim
Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, 1-4, 2019
Feasibility analysis of passive heat removal system coupled with dry air cooling system for the atom system
MW Na, D Shin, SJ Kim, GH Seo, JI Lee
International Topical Meeting on Advances in Thermal Hydraulics 2018, ATH …, 2018
Development of Conceptual Design for the ATOM Safety System
GH Seo, M Na, D Shin, HH Son, Y Kim, JI Lee, SJ Kim
Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society (KNS) Autumn Meeting, October, 26-27, 2017
Multipurpose common-pool based flooding-type management system for small modular reactors
YH Kim, JI Lee, T Oh, J Seongdong, SJ Kim, D Shin, JH Park, G Lee, ...
US Patent App. 17/983,021, 2023
Effect of reduced constriction resistance on dropwise condensation heat transfer of layer-by-layer assembled carbon nanotube coating on long vertical tube
T Kim, SJ Kim, D Shin, J Lee, W Choi
The 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics …, 2022
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Articles 1–20