Bridget Green
Bridget Green
Adjunct Associate Professor, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania
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Fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions of world fisheries
RWR Parker, JL Blanchard, C Gardner, BS Green, K Hartmann, ...
Nature Climate Change 8 (4), 333-337, 2018
Temperature influences swimming speed, growth and larval duration in coral reef fish larvae
BS Green, R Fisher
Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology 299 (1), 115-132, 2004
Maternal effects in fish populations
BS Green
Advances in marine biology 54, 1-105, 2008
When is a fishery sustainable?
R Hilborn, EA Fulton, BS Green, K Hartmann, SR Tracey, RA Watson
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72 (9), 1433-1441, 2015
Maternal and paternal effects determine size, growth and performance in larvae of a tropical reef fish
BS Green, MI McCormick
Marine Ecology Progress Series 289, 263-272, 2005
Environmental effects on fished lobsters and crabs
BS Green, C Gardner, JD Hochmuth, A Linnane
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 24, 613-638, 2014
Tropical otoliths–where to next?
BS Green, BD Mapstone, G Carlos, GA Begg
Tropical Fish Otoliths: Information for Assessment, Management and Ecology …, 2009
Expanding the concept of sustainable seafood using Life Cycle Assessment
F Ziegler, S Hornborg, BS Green, OR Eigaard, AK Farmery, L Hammar, ...
Fish and Fisheries 17 (4), 1073-1093, 2016
Provenance of global seafood
RA Watson, BS Green, SR Tracey, A Farmery, TJ Pitcher
Fish and Fisheries 17 (3), 585-595, 2016
Marine foods sourced from farther as their use of global ocean primary production increases
RA Watson, GB Nowara, K Hartmann, BS Green, SR Tracey, CG Carter
Nature communications 6 (1), 7365, 2015
Influence of larval feeding history on the body condition of Amphiprion melanopus
BS Green, MI McCornick
Journal of Fish Biology 55 (6), 1273-1289, 1999
Climate change risks and adaptation options across Australian seafood supply chains–A preliminary assessment
A Fleming, AJ Hobday, A Farmery, EI van Putten, GT Pecl, BS Green, ...
Climate Risk Management 1, 39-50, 2014
Evidence of large-scale spatial declines in recruitment patterns of southern rock lobster Jasus edwardsii, across south-eastern Australia
A Linnane, C Gardner, D Hobday, A Punt, R McGarvey, J Feenstra, ...
Fisheries Research 105 (3), 163-171, 2010
O2 replenishment to fish nests: males adjust brood care to ambient conditions and brood development
BS Green, MI McCormick
Behavioral Ecology 16 (2), 389-397, 2005
Managing fisheries for environmental performance: the effects of marine resource decision-making on the footprint of seafood
A Farmery, C Gardner, BS Green, S Jennings
Journal of Cleaner Production 64, 368-376, 2014
Academic parenting: work–family conflict and strategies across child age, disciplines and career level
A Hardy, J McDonald, R Guijt, E Leane, A Martin, A James, M Jones, ...
Studies in Higher Education 43 (4), 625-643, 2018
Assessing the inclusion of seafood in the sustainable diet literature
AK Farmery, C Gardner, S Jennings, BS Green, RA Watson
Fish and Fisheries 18 (3), 607-618, 2017
Facing the wave of change: stakeholder perspectives on climate adaptation for Australian seafood supply chains
L Lim-Camacho, AJ Hobday, RH Bustamante, A Farmery, A Fleming, ...
Regional Environmental Change 15, 595-606, 2015
Ontogeny of the digestive and feeding systems in the anemonefish Amphiprion melanopus
BS Green, MI McCormick
Environmental Biology of Fishes 61, 73-83, 2001
Settlement and early survival of southern rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, under climate-driven decline of kelp habitats
IA Hinojosa, BS Green, C Gardner, A Jeffs
ICES Journal of Marine Science 72 (suppl_1), i59-i68, 2015
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Articles 1–20