Arthur R. Cooper
Arthur R. Cooper
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University
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Fragmentation and dewatering transform Great Plains stream fish communities
JS Perkin, KB Gido, AR Cooper, TF Turner, MJ Osborne, ER Johnson, ...
Ecological monographs 85 (1), 73-92, 2015
Assessment of dam effects on streams and fish assemblages of the conterminous USA
AR Cooper, DM Infante, WM Daniel, KE Wehrly, L Wang, TO Brenden
Science of the Total Environment 586, 879-889, 2017
Landscape based identification of human disturbance gradients and reference conditions for Michigan streams
L Wang, T Brenden, P Seelbach, A Cooper, D Allan, R Clark, M Wiley
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 141, 1-17, 2008
Effects of dams in river networks on fish assemblages in non‐impoundment sections of rivers in Michigan and Wisconsin, USA
L Wang, D Infante, J Lyons, J Stewart, A Cooper
River research and applications 27 (4), 473-487, 2011
An index of cumulative disturbance to river fish habitats of the conterminous United States from landscape anthropogenic activities
PC Esselman, DM Infante, L Wang, D Wu, AR Cooper, WW Taylor
Ecological Restoration 29 (1-2), 133-151, 2011
Improving species distribution model predictive accuracy using species abundance: Application with boosted regression trees
H Yu, AR Cooper, DM Infante
Ecological Modelling 432, 109202, 2020
A hierarchical spatial framework and database for the national river fish habitat condition assessment
L Wang, D Infante, P Esselman, A Cooper, D Wu, W Taylor, D Beard, ...
Fisheries 36 (9), 436-449, 2011
Characterizing coal and mineral mines as a regional source of stress to stream fish assemblages
WM Daniel, DM Infante, RM Hughes, YP Tsang, PC Esselman, ...
Ecological Indicators 50, 50-61, 2015
Informing watershed connectivity barrier prioritization decisions: a synthesis
SK McKay, AR Cooper, MW Diebel, D Elkins, G Oldford, C Roghair, ...
River research and Applications 33 (6), 847-862, 2017
A GIS framework for collecting, managing, and analyzing multiscale landscape variables across large regions for river conservation and management
TO Brenden, RD Clark, AR Cooper, PW Seelbach, L Wang, SS Aichele, ...
American Fisheries Society Symposium 48, 49-74, 2006
Regional fish community indicators of landscape disturbance to catchments of the conterminous United States
PC Esselman, DM Infante, L Wang, AR Cooper, D Wieferich, YP Tsang, ...
Ecological indicators 26, 163-173, 2013
Identifying indicators and quantifying large-scale effects of dams on fishes
AR Cooper, DM Infante, KE Wehrly, L Wang, TO Brenden
Ecological Indicators 61, 646-657, 2016
Predicting habitat suitability for eleven imperiled fluvial freshwater mussels
WM Daniel, AR Cooper, PJ Badra, DM Infante
Hydrobiologia 809, 265-283, 2018
Prioritizing native migratory fish passage restoration while limiting the spread of invasive species: a case study in the Upper Mississippi River
AR Cooper, DM Infante, JR O'Hanley, H Yu, TM Neeson, KJ Brumm
Science of the total environment 791, 148317, 2021
An approach for aggregating upstream catchment information to support research and management of fluvial systems across large landscapes
YP Tsang, D Wieferich, K Fung, DM Infante, AR Cooper
SpringerPlus 3, 1-9, 2014
National Anthropogenic Barrier Dataset (NABD)
A Ostroff, D Wieferich, A Cooper, D Infante
Denver, CO: US Geological Survey—Aquatic GAP Program, 2013
Use of multiple linear regression to estimate flow regimes for all rivers across Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin
PW Seelbach, LC Hinz, MJ Wiley, AR Cooper
Fisheries Research Rep 2095, 1-35, 2011
The North American Freshwater Migratory Fish Database (NAFMFD): characterizing the migratory life histories of freshwater fishes of Canada, the United States and Mexico
EM Dean, AR Cooper, L Wang, W Daniel, S David, C Ernzen, KB Gido, ...
Journal of Biogeography 49 (6), 1193-1203, 2022
Protected areas lacking for many common fluvial fishes of the conterminous USA
AR Cooper, YP Tsang, DM Infante, WM Daniel, AJ McKerrow, D Wieferich
Diversity and Distributions 25 (8), 1289-1303, 2019
Dam metrics representing stream fragmentation and flow alteration for the conterminous United States linked to the NHDPLUSV1
AR Cooper, DM Infante
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Articles 1–20