B. Raad, de
B. Raad, de
professor emeritus of personality psychology
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A six-factor structure of personality-descriptive adjectives: solutions from psycholexical studies in seven languages.
MC Ashton, K Lee, M Perugini, P Szarota, RE De Vries, L Di Blas, K Boies, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 86 (2), 356, 2004
Integration of the big five and circumplex approaches to trait structure.
WK Hofstee, B De Raad, LR Goldberg
Journal of personality and social psychology 63 (1), 146, 1992
The big five personality factors: the psycholexical approach to personality.
B De Raad
Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, 2000
Personality in learning and education: A review
B De Raad, HC Schouwenburg
European Journal of personality 10 (5), 303-336, 1996
The five-factor personality inventory (FFPI)
AJ Hendriks, WKB Hofstee, B De Raad
Personality and individual differences 27 (2), 307-325, 1999
Big five assessment.
BE de Raad, ME Perugini
Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, 2002
Only three factors of personality description are fully replicable across languages: a comparison of 14 trait taxonomies.
B De Raad, DPH Barelds, E Levert, F Ostendorf, B Mlačić, LD Blas, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 98 (1), 160, 2010
Lingua franca of personality: Taxonomies and structures based on the psycholexical approach
BD Raad, M Perugini, M Hrebícková, P Szarota
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 29 (1), 212-232, 1998
The substantive nature of psycholexical personality factors: A comparison across languages.
D Peabody, B De Raad
Journal of personality and Social Psychology 83 (4), 983, 2002
Taxonomy and structure of Hungarian personality traits
Z Szirmák, B De Raad
European Journal of Personality 8 (2), 95-117, 1994
Towards a refined structure of personality traits
B De Raad, AAJ Hendriks, WKB Hofstee
European Journal of Personality 6 (4), 301-319, 1992
The replicability of the Big Five personality dimensions in three word‐classes of the Dutch language
B De Raad
European Journal of Personality 6 (1), 15-29, 1992
A Comparison of Big‐Five structures of personality traits in Dutch, English, and German
WKB Hofstee, HAL Kiers, B De Raad, LR Goldberg, F Ostendorf
European Journal of Personality 11 (1), 15-31, 1997
The trait-coverage of emotional intelligence
B De Raad
Personality and Individual Differences 38 (3), 673-687, 2005
A new taxonomy of Dutch personality traits based on a comprehensive and unrestricted list of descriptors.
B De Raad, DPH Barelds
Journal of personality and social psychology 94 (2), 347, 2008
Taxonomies of situations from a trait psychological perspective. A review
MA Ten Berge, B De Raad
European Journal of Personality 13 (5), 337-360, 1999
Five big, big five issues: Rationale, content, structure, status, and crosscultural assessment
B De Raad
European Psychologist 3 (2), 113-124, 1998
Towards a pan–cultural personality structure: Input from 11 psycholexical studies
B De Raad, DPH Barelds, ME Timmerman, K De Roover, B Mlačić, ...
European Journal of Personality 28 (5), 497-510, 2014
Personality‐descriptive verbs
B De Raad, E Mulder, K Kloosterman, WKB Hofstee
European Journal of Personality 2 (2), 81-96, 1988
Cross‐culturally recurrent personality factors: analyses of three factors
B De Raad, D Peabody
European Journal of Personality: Published for the European Association of …, 2005
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Articles 1–20