Rayi Yanu Tara
Rayi Yanu Tara
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Cited by
Hand Segmentation from Depth Image using Anthropometric Approach in Natural Interface Development
RY Tara, PI Santosa, TB Adji
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 3 (5), 2012
Sign Language Recognition in Robot Teleoperation using Centroid Distance Fourier Descriptors
RY Tara, PI Santosa, TB Adji
International Journal of Computer Application 48 (2), 8-12, 2012
A Teleoperation System Utilizing Saliency-Based Visual Attention
WC Teng, YC Kuo, RY Tara
IEEE International Conference on System, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2013), 2013
MapXplorer Handy: An Immersive Map Exploration System Using Handheld Device
H Fabroyir, WC Teng, SL Wang, RY Tara
International Conference on CYBERWORLDS (CYBERWORLDS 2013), 2013
A suitability evaluation of controlling 3D map viewpoint by gamepad orientation for remote navigation
RY Tara, WC Teng
IEEE Access 5, 10686-10693, 2017
Robust and low-cost proximity sensor for line detection robot using goertzel algorithm
RY Tara, TB Adji
2011 2nd International Conference on Instrumentation Control and Automation …, 2011
Improving the visual momentum of tethered viewpoint displays using spatial cue augmentation
RY Tara, WC Teng
Intelligent Service Robotics 10, 313-322, 2017
Omnidirectional camera with unified rgbd sensor for mapping remote environments
RY Tara, WC Teng
2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 795-800, 2015
Centroid Distance Fourier Description for Shape-Based Hand Gesture Recognition In Mobile Robot Teleoperation
RY Tara
Tesis, Magister Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, 0
Dictionary of Basic Hand Gesture Sign Language
PI Santosa, RY Tara
2012 International Conference on Future Information Technology and …, 2012
Limb-Vector Paralleling: A General Approach to Translate Postures from Human to Humanoid Robots
ZL Bao, SL Chen, CC Tung, RY Tara, H Fabroyir, WC Teng
2014 International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems …, 2014
Robust and Low-Cost Color Sensor using Goertzel Algorithm for Marker Detection Robot
RY Tara, TB Adji
International journal of imaging and robotics 10 (2), 75-85, 2013
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Articles 1–12