Caroline Nore
Caroline Nore
Professor, University Paris Saclay
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Kolmogorov turbulence in low-temperature superflows
C Nore, M Abid, ME Brachet
Physical review letters 78 (20), 3896, 1997
Decaying Kolmogorov turbulence in a model of superflow
C Nore, M Abid, ME Brachet
Physics of Fluids 9 (9), 2644-2669, 1997
The 1 [ratio] 2 mode interaction in exactly counter-rotating von Kármán swirling flow
C Nore, LS Tuckerman, O Daube, S Xin
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 477, 51-88, 2003
Numerical study of hydrodynamics using the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
C Nore, ME Brachet, S Fauve
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 65 (1-2), 154-162, 1993
An interior penalty Galerkin method for the MHD equations in heterogeneous domains
JL Guermond, R Laguerre, J Léorat, C Nore
Journal of Computational Physics 221 (1), 349-369, 2007
Nonlinear magnetohydrodynamics in axisymmetric heterogeneous domains using a Fourier/finite element technique and an interior penalty method
JL Guermond, R Laguerre, J Léorat, C Nore
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (8), 2739-2757, 2009
Sloshing instability and electrolyte layer rupture in liquid metal batteries
N Weber, P Beckstein, W Herreman, GM Horstmann, C Nore, F Stefani, ...
Physics of fluids 29 (5), 2017
Dynamo action in the Taylor–Green vortex near threshold
C Nore, ME Brachet, H Politano, A Pouquet
Physics of Plasmas 4 (1), 1-3, 1997
Tayler instability in liquid metal columns and liquid metal batteries
W Herreman, C Nore, L Cappanera, JL Guermond
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 771, 79-114, 2015
Nonlinear dynamo action in a precessing cylindrical container
C Nore, J Léorat, JL Guermond, F Luddens
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (1 …, 2011
Survey of instability thresholds of flow between exactly counter-rotating disks
C Nore, M Tartar, O Daube, LS Tuckerman
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 511, 45-65, 2004
Gross–Pitaevskii dynamics of Bose–Einstein condensates and superfluid turbulence
M Abid, C Huepe, S Metens, C Nore, CT Pham, LS Tuckerman, ...
Fluid Dynamics Research 33 (5-6), 509, 2003
Comparison of static and dynamic 18F-FDG PET/CT for quantification of pulmonary inflammation in acute lung injury
A Braune, F Hofheinz, T Bluth, T Kiss, J Wittenstein, M Scharffenberg, ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 60 (11), 1629-1634, 2019
Full sphere hydrodynamic and dynamo benchmarks
P Marti, N Schaeffer, R Hollerbach, D Cébron, C Nore, F Luddens, ...
Geophysical Journal International 197 (1), 119-134, 2014
Impact of impellers on the axisymmetric magnetic mode in the VKS2 dynamo experiment
R Laguerre, C Nore, A Ribeiro, J Léorat, JL Guermond, F Plunian
Physical review letters 101 (10), 104501, 2008
Subcritical dissipation in three-dimensional superflows
C Nore, C Huepe, ME Brachet
Physical review letters 84 (10), 2191, 2000
Numerical simulation of electrovortex flows in cylindrical fluid layers and liquid metal batteries
W Herreman, C Nore, P Ziebell Ramos, L Cappanera, JL Guermond, ...
Physical Review Fluids 4 (11), 113702, 2019
Solutal buoyancy and electrovortex flow in liquid metal batteries
W Herreman, S Bénard, C Nore, P Personnettaz, L Cappanera, ...
Physical Review Fluids 5 (7), 074501, 2020
Influence of high-permeability discs in an axisymmetric model of the Cadarache dynamo experiment
A Giesecke, C Nore, F Stefani, G Gerbeth, J Léorat, W Herreman, ...
New Journal of Physics 14 (5), 053005, 2012
Experimental observation of near-heteroclinic cycles in the von Kármán swirling flow
C Nore, F Moisy, L Quartier
Physics of Fluids 17 (6), 2005
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Articles 1–20