Mark A. Caprio
Mark A. Caprio
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Chiral Doublet Structures in Odd-Odd Isotones: Chiral Vibrations
K Starosta, T Koike, CJ Chiara, DB Fossan, DR LaFosse, AA Hecht, ...
Physical review letters 86 (6), 971, 2001
Excited state quantum phase transitions in many-body systems
MA Caprio, P Cejnar, F Iachello
Annals of Physics 323 (5), 1106-1135, 2008
Values in and the Critical Point Symmetry X(5)
R Krücken, B Albanna, C Bialik, RF Casten, JR Cooper, A Dewald, ...
Physical review letters 88 (23), 232501, 2002
Coulomb Excitation of Radioactive Beams and the Low of
DC Radford, C Baktash, JR Beene, B Fuentes, A Galindo-Uribarri, ...
Physical review letters 88 (22), 222501, 2002
Signature for vibrational to rotational evolution along the yrast line
PH Regan, CW Beausang, NV Zamfir, RF Casten, J Zhang, ...
Physical Review Letters 90 (15), 152502, 2003
Collective modes in light nuclei from first principles
T Dytrych, KD Launey, JP Draayer, P Maris, JP Vary, E Saule, ...
Physical review letters 111 (25), 252501, 2013
An E(5) nucleus?
NV Zamfir, MA Caprio, RF Casten, CJ Barton, CW Beausang, Z Berant, ...
Physical Review C 65 (4), 044325, 2002
LevelScheme: A level scheme drawing and scientific figure preparation system for Mathematica
MA Caprio
Computer Physics Communications 171 (2), 107-118, 2005
Low-spin structure of through γ-ray spectroscopy
MA Caprio, NV Zamfir, RF Casten, CJ Barton, CW Beausang, JR Cooper, ...
Physical Review C 66 (5), 054310, 2002
Evidence for chiral symmetry breaking in and
AA Hecht, CW Beausang, KE Zyromski, DL Balabanski, CJ Barton, ...
Physical Review C 63 (5), 051302, 2001
Effects of coupling in transitional nuclei and the validity of the approximate separation of variables
MA Caprio
Physical Review C 72 (5), 054323, 2005
The YRAST ball array
CW Beausang, CJ Barton, MA Caprio, RF Casten, JR Cooper, R Krücken, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2000
values and phase coexistence in
NV Zamfir, RF Casten, MA Caprio, CW Beausang, R Krücken, JR Novak, ...
Physical Review C 60 (5), 054312, 1999
Phase structure of the two-fluid proton-neutron system
MA Caprio, F Iachello
Physical review letters 93 (24), 242502, 2004
Bohr model as an algebraic collective model
DJ Rowe, TA Welsh, MA Caprio
Physical Review C 79 (5), 054304, 2009
Coulomb excitation of the state of in inverse kinematics
N Pietralla, CJ Barton III, R Krücken, CW Beausang, MA Caprio, ...
Physical Review C 64 (3), 031301, 2001
Phase structure of a two-fluid bosonic system
MA Caprio, F Iachello
Annals of Physics 318 (2), 454-494, 2005
Transition from the seniority regime to collective motion
JJ Ressler, RF Casten, NV Zamfir, CW Beausang, RB Cakirli, H Ai, ...
Physical Review C 69 (3), 034317, 2004
Coulomb-Sturmian basis for the nuclear many-body problem
MA Caprio, P Maris, JP Vary
Physical Review C 86 (3), 034312, 2012
Analytic descriptions for transitional nuclei near the critical point
MA Caprio, F Iachello
Nuclear Physics A 781 (1-2), 26-66, 2007
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Articles 1–20