Peiyun Zhu
Cited by
Cited by
The influence of meridional ice transport on Europa's ocean stratification and heat content
P Zhu, GE Manucharyan, AF Thompson, JC Goodman, SD Vance
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (12), 5969-5977, 2017
Connecting process models of topographic wave drag to global eddying general circulation models
BK Arbic, OB Fringer, JM Klymak, FT Mayer, DS Trossman, P Zhu
Oceanography 32 (4), 146-155, 2019
A Moving-Wave Implementation in WRF to Study the Impact of Surface Water Waves on the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
P Zhu, T Li, JD Mirocha, RS Arthur, Z Wu, OB Fringer
Monthly Weather Review 151 (11), 2883-2903, 2023
The Global Influence of Cloud Optical Thickness on Terrestrial Carbon Uptake
P Zhu, SJ Cheng, Z Butterfield, G Keppel-Aleks, AL Steiner
Earth Interactions 23 (6), 1-22, 2019
Effects of surface wave direction and spread on the bottom friction coefficient in WRF
T Li, P Zhu, JD Mirocha, RS Arthur, OB Fringer
2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2024
Implementation of a Moving Surface in WRF to Study the Impact of Ocean Surface Waves on the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
P Zhu, T Li, J Mirocha, OB Fringer
103rd AMS Annual Meeting, 2023
Modeling the Effects of Surface Waves on the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
P Zhu
Stanford University, 2023
Uncertainty quantification for lee wave drag due to spectral parameterization of the abyssal hill topography
P Zhu, E Mayer, PK Kitanidis, OB Fringer, C Gorle
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 2020
Enabling explicit wave-atmosphere coupling in the Weather Research and Forecasting model using immersed boundary methods
Z Wu, JD Mirocha, RS Arthur, DJ Wiersema, KA Lundquist, P Zhu, ...
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, H11. 005, 2020
Quantification of uncertainty due to spectral parameterization of topography in deep-ocean lee waves
P Zhu, F Mayer, O Fringer, C Gorle
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 63, 2018
The Influence of Ice-Ocean Interactions on Europa's Overturning Circulation
P Zhu, GE Manucharyan, AF Thompson, JC Goodman, S Vance
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, P34A-03, 2016
The influence of meridional ice transport on Europa’s
P Zhu, GE Manucharyan, AF Thompson, JC Goodman, SD Vance
Freshwater layer beneath Europa’s ice shell
P Zhu, GE Manucharyan, AF Thompson, JC Goodman, SD Vance
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Articles 1–13