David Schkade
David Schkade
Professor of Management, UC-San Diego
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Pursuing happiness: The architecture of sustainable change
S Lyubomirsky, KM Sheldon, D Schkade
Review of general psychology 9 (2), 111-131, 2005
A survey method for characterizing daily life experience: The day reconstruction method
D Kahneman, AB Krueger, DA Schkade, N Schwarz, AA Stone
Science 306 (5702), 1776-1780, 2004
Would you be happier if you were richer? A focusing illusion
D Kahneman, AB Krueger, D Schkade, N Schwarz, AA Stone
science 312 (5782), 1908-1910, 2006
Does living in California make people happy? A focusing illusion in judgments of life satisfaction
DA Schkade, D Kahneman
Psychological science 9 (5), 340-346, 1998
Beyond nudges: Tools of a choice architecture
EJ Johnson, SB Shu, BGC Dellaert, C Fox, DG Goldstein, G Häubl, ...
Marketing letters 23, 487-504, 2012
The reliability of subjective well-being measures
AB Krueger, DA Schkade
Journal of public economics 92 (8-9), 1833-1845, 2008
Wouldn’t it be nice? Predicting future feelings
G Loewenstein, D Schkade
Well-being: The foundations of hedonic psychology, 85-105, 1999
Toward national well-being accounts
D Kahneman, AB Krueger, D Schkade, N Schwarz, A Stone
American Economic Review 94 (2), 429-434, 2004
Economic preferences or attitude expressions?: an analysis of dollar responses to public issues
D Kahneman, I Ritov, D Schkade, SJ Sherman, HR Varian
Elicitation of preferences, 203-242, 2000
Are judges political?: an empirical analysis of the federal judiciary
CR Sunstein, D Schkade, L Ellman
Rowman & Littlefield, 2007
Measuring constructed preferences: Towards a building code
JW Payne, JR Bettman, DA Schkade
Journal of risk and Uncertainty 19, 243-270, 1999
How people respond to contingent valuation questions: a verbal protocol analysis of willingness to pay for an environmental regulation
DA Schkade, JW Payne
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 26 (1), 88-109, 1994
Ideological voting on federal courts of appeals: A preliminary investigation
CR Sunstein, D Schkade, LM Ellman
Virginia Law Review, 301-354, 2004
Assessing punitive damages (with notes on cognition and valuation in law)
CR Sunstein, D Kahneman, D Schkade
Yale Lj 107, 2071, 1997
Information displays and decision processes
DN Kleinmuntz, DA Schkade
Psychological Science 4 (4), 221-227, 1993
Shared outrage and erratic awards: The psychology of punitive damages
D Kahneman, D Schkade, C Sunstein
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 16, 49-86, 1998
Deliberating about dollars: The severity shift
D Schkade, CR Sunstein, D Kahneman
Columbia Law Review 100 (4), 1139-1173, 2000
Cognitive processes in preference reversals
DA Schkade, EJ Johnson
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 44 (2), 203-231, 1989
Predictably incoherent judgments
CR Sunstein, D Kahneman, D Schkade, I Ritov
Stan. L. Rev. 54, 1153, 2001
National time accounting: The currency of life
AB Krueger, D Kahneman, D Schkade, N Schwarz, AA Stone
Measuring the subjective well-being of nations: National accounts of time …, 2009
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