Sally Hibbert
Sally Hibbert
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Why people don’t take their concerns about fair trade to the supermarket: The role of neutralisation
A Chatzidakis, S Hibbert, AP Smith
Journal of Business Ethics 74 (1), 89-100, 2007
Guilt appeals: Persuasion knowledge and charitable giving
S Hibbert, A Smith, A Davies, F Ireland
Psychology & Marketing 24 (8), 723-742, 2007
The influence of music tempo and musical preference on restaurant patrons' behavior
C Caldwell, SA Hibbert
Psychology & Marketing 19 (11), 895-917, 2002
“If I was going to die I should at least be having fun”: Travel blogs, meaning and tourist experience
C Bosangit, S Hibbert, S McCabe
Annals of Tourism Research 55, 1-14, 2015
Customers as resource integrators: toward a model of customer learning
S Hibbert, H Winklhofer, MS Temerak
Journal of Service Research 15 (3), 247-261, 2012
Consumer response to social entrepreneurship: The case of the Big Issue in Scotland
SA Hibbert, G Hogg, T Quinn
International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing 7 (3), 288-301, 2002
Giving to charity: questioning the donor decision process
S Hibbert, S Horne
Journal of Consumer Marketing 13 (2), 4-13, 1996
Social entrepreneurship: Understanding consumer motives for buying The Big Issue
SA Hibbert, G Hogg, T Quinn
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 4 (3), 159-172, 2005
Understanding volunteer motivation for participation in a community‐based food cooperative
S Hibbert, M Piacentini, HA Dajani
International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing 8 (1), 30-42, 2003
What is told in travel blogs? Exploring travel blogs for consumer narrative analysis
C Bosangit, S McCabe, S Hibbert
Information and communication technologies in tourism 2009, 61-71, 2009
Play that one again: The effect of music tempo on consumer behaviour in a restaurant
C Caldwell, SA Hibbert
ACR European Advances, 1999
Virtue in consumption?
A Chatzidakis, S Hibbert, D Mittusis, A Smith
Journal of Marketing Management 20 (5-6), 526-543, 2004
The never-ending story: Discursive legitimation in social media dialogue
S Glozer, R Caruana, SA Hibbert
Organization Studies 40 (5), 625-650, 2019
Is the country of origin the fifth element in the marketing mix of imported wine? A critical review of the literature
C Felzensztein, S Hibbert, G Vong
Journal of Food Products Marketing 10 (4), 73-84, 2004
Ethically concerned, yet unethically behaved”: Towards an updated understanding of consumer’s (un) ethical decision making
A Chatzidakis, A Smith, S Hibbert
ACR North American Advances, 2006
Charity retailers in competition for merchandise: examining how consumers dispose of used goods
SA Hibbert, S Horne, S Tagg
Journal of Business Research 58 (6), 819-828, 2005
Towards a service-dominant approach to social marketing
NR Luca, S Hibbert, R McDonald
Marketing Theory 16 (2), 194-218, 2016
Diversity in deprivation: exploring the grocery shopping behaviour of disadvantaged consumers
M Piacentini, S Hibbert, H Al-Dajani
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 11 (2 …, 2001
Car boot sales: a study of shopping motives in an alternative retail format
J Stone, S Horne, S Hibbert
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 24 (11), 4-15, 1996
Transforming community well-being through patients' lived experiences
AS Gallan, JR McColl-Kennedy, T Barakshina, B Figueiredo, JG Jefferies, ...
Journal of Business Research 100, 376-391, 2019
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