Olga Luzon
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Cited by
Examining the role of cognitive fusion and experiential avoidance in predicting anxiety and depression
C Cookson, O Luzon, J Newland, J Kingston
Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 93 (3), 456-473, 2020
Exploring positive pathways to care for members of the UK Armed Forces receiving treatment for PTSD: a qualitative study
D Murphy, E Hunt, O Luzon, N Greenberg
European journal of psychotraumatology 5 (1), 21759, 2014
Habit reversal training and educational group treatments for children with tourette syndrome: a preliminary randomised controlled trial
R Yates, K Edwards, J King, O Luzon, M Evangeli, D Stark, F McFarlane, ...
Behaviour Research and Therapy 80, 43-50, 2016
Distress, omnipotence, and responsibility beliefs in command hallucinations
L Ellett, O Luzon, M Birchwood, Z Abbas, A Harris, P Chadwick
British Journal of Clinical Psychology 56 (3), 303-309, 2017
The place of psychological well-being in cognitive therapy
AK MacLeod, O Luzon
Increasing Psychological Well-being in Clinical and Educational Settings …, 2014
Rest and recuperation in the UK Armed Forces
L Parsloe, N Jones, M Fertout, O Luzon, N Greenberg
Occupational Medicine 64 (8), 616-621, 2014
Cognitive processes during acute psychosis: the role of heightened responsibility and catastrophic misinterpretations
O Luzón, C Harrop, F Nolan
Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 37 (4), 357-377, 2009
What you see is what you do: Imagery and the moral judgements of individuals with OCD
AA Trafford, AL Wroe, G Brown, O Luzon
Journal of obsessive-compulsive and related disorders 16, 50-55, 2018
Responsibility beliefs and persecutory delusions
K Pugh, O Luzon, L Ellett
Psychiatry research 259, 340-344, 2018
Public health and prevention: Part one
D Harper, O Luzon, T Wainwright
Clinical Psychology Forum 356, 3-6, 2022
Agents of change: A vision for psychology through the lens of tomorrow’s leaders
O Luzon, S Afzali, C Baribeau, RS Bhatoa, A Choudhury, A Dale, ...
Clinical Psychology Forum 363, 75, 2023
Habit reversal training and educational group treatments for children with tourette syndrome: A preliminary randomised controlled trial
I Heyman, J Kodric, J King, O Luzon, R Yates, F McFarlane, K Edwards, ...
Elsevier, 2016
An exploratory study investigating new ways of increasing the numbers of young men with depression who access primary care services
O Luzon, S Pilling, J Leibowitz, J Cape, A Tylee
Psychology and Health 19 (SUPPL. 1), 107-108, 2004
Exploring positive pathways to care for members of
D Murphy, E Hunt, O Luzon, N Greenberg
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Articles 1–14