Cheryl A Murphy
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Cited by
Development and application of the adverse outcome pathway framework for understanding and predicting chronic toxicity: II. A focus on growth impairment in fish
KJ Groh, RN Carvalho, JK Chipman, ND Denslow, M Halder, CA Murphy, ...
Chemosphere 120, 778-792, 2015
Adverse outcome pathways and ecological risk assessment: Bridging to population‐level effects
VJ Kramer, MA Etterson, M Hecker, CA Murphy, G Roesijadi, DJ Spade, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30 (1), 64-76, 2011
An ecotoxicological view on neurotoxicity assessment
JB Legradi, C Di Paolo, MHS Kraak, HG Van der Geest, EL Schymanski, ...
Environmental Sciences Europe 30, 1-34, 2018
Toxicity of dietary methylmercury to fish: Derivation of ecologically meaningful threshold concentrations
DC Depew, N Basu, NM Burgess, LM Campbell, EW Devlin, PE Drevnick, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2012
Building and applying quantitative adverse outcome pathway models for chemical hazard and risk assessment
EJ Perkins, R Ashauer, L Burgoon, R Conolly, B Landesmann, C Mackay, ...
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 38 (9), 1850-1865, 2019
Evidence for harvest-induced maternal influences on the reproductive rates of fish populations
PA Venturelli, BJ Shuter, CA Murphy
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1658), 919-924, 2009
A genetic basis for the phenotypic differentiation between siscowet and lean lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush)
F Goetz, D Rosauer, S Sitar, G Goetz, C Simchick, S Roberts, R Johnson, ...
Molecular Ecology 19, 176-196, 2010
Hormonally derived sex pheromones in fish: exogenous cues and signals from gonad to brain
N Stacey, A Chojnacki, A Narayanan, T Cole, C Murphy
Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 81 (4), 329-341, 2003
Maternal influences on population dynamics: evidence from an exploited freshwater fish
PA Venturelli, CA Murphy, BJ Shuter, TA Johnston, ...
Ecology 91 (7), 2003-2012, 2010
Putative steroidal pheromones in the round goby, Neogobius melanostomus: olfactory and behavioral responses
CA Murphy, NE Stacey, LD Corkum
Journal of chemical ecology 27, 443-470, 2001
Maternal body burdens of methylmercury impair survival skills of offspring in Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus).
MC Alvarez, CA Murphy, KA Rose, ID McCarthy, LA Fuiman
Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 80 (4), 329-337, 2006
High‐throughput screening and environmental risk assessment: State of the science and emerging applications
DL Villeneuve, K Coady, BI Escher, E Mihaich, CA Murphy, T Schlekat, ...
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 38 (1), 12-26, 2019
Does hypoxia have population-level effects on coastal fish? Musings from the virtual world
KA Rose, AT Adamack, CA Murphy, SE Sable, SE Kolesar, JK Craig, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 381, S188-S203, 2009
Modeling vitellogenesis in female fish exposed to environmental stressors: predicting the effects of endocrine disturbance due to exposure to a PCB mixture and cadmium
CA Murphy, KA Rose, P Thomas
Reproductive toxicology 19 (3), 395-409, 2005
Effects of methylmercury on epigenetic markers in three model species: Mink, chicken and yellow perch
N Basu, J Head, DH Nam, JR Pilsner, MJ Carvan, HM Chan, FW Goetz, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology …, 2013
Modeling larval fish behavior: Scaling the sublethal effects of methylmercury to population-relevant endpoints
CA Murphy, KA Rose, M del Carmen Alvarez, LA Fuiman
Aquatic toxicology 86 (4), 470-484, 2008
Using nested models and laboratory data for predicting population effects of contaminants on fish: a step toward a bottom-up approach for establishing causality in field studies
KA Rose, CA Murphy, SL Diamond, LA Fuiman, P Thomas
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 9 (1), 231-257, 2003
Determining the effects of ammonia on fathead minnow (< i> Pimephales promelas</i>) reproduction
BM Armstrong, JM Lazorchak, CA Murphy, HJ Haring, KM Jensen, ...
Science of The Total Environment, 2012
Incorporating suborganismal processes into dynamic energy budget models for ecological risk assessment
CA Murphy, RM Nisbet, P Antczak, N Garcia‐Reyero, A Gergs, K Lika, ...
Integrated environmental assessment and management 14 (5), 615-624, 2018
Production, marine larval retention or dispersal, and recruitment of amphidromous Hawaiian gobioids: issues and implications
CA Murphy, JH Cowan
Bishop Museum Bulletin in Cultural and Environmental Studies 3, 63-74, 2007
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Articles 1–20