Behrooz Davazdahemami
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Cited by
No Place Like Home: Cross-National Data Analysis of the Efficacy of Social Distancing During the COVID-19 Pandemic
D Delen, E Eryarsoy, B Davazdahemami
JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 6 (2), e19862, 2020
Data analytics for the sustainable use of resources in hospitals: predicting the length of stay for patients with chronic diseases
HM Zolbanin, B Davazdahemami, D Delen, AH Zadeh
Information & Management 59 (5), 103282, 2022
A chronological pharmacovigilance network analytics approach for predicting adverse drug events
B Davazdahemami, D Delen
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 25 (10), 1311-1321, 2018
Addiction to mobile phone or addiction through mobile phone?
B Davazdahemami, B Hammer, A Soror
2016 49th Hawaii international conference on system sciences (HICSS), 1467-1476, 2016
An explanatory machine learning framework for studying pandemics: The case of COVID-19 emergency department readmissions
B Davazdahemami, HM Zolbanin, D Delen
Decision Support Systems 161, 113730, 2022
Using predictive analytics to identify drug-resistant epilepsy patients
D Delen, B Davazdahemami, E Eryarsoy, L Tomak, A Valluru
Health informatics journal 26 (1), 449-460, 2020
A Novel Diffusion-Based Model for Estimating Cases, and Fatalities in Epidemics: The Case of COVID-19
E Eryarsoy, D Delen, B Davazdahemami, K Topuz
Journal of Business Research 124, 163-178, 2021
The confounding role of common diabetes medications in developing acute renal failure: A data mining approach with emphasis on drug-drug interactions
B Davazdahemami, D Delen
Expert Systems with Applications 123, 168-177, 2019
A deep learning approach for predicting early bounce-backs to the emergency departments
B Davazdahemami, P Peng, D Delen
Healthcare Analytics 2, 100018, 2022
An explanatory analytics framework for early detection of chronic risk factors in pandemics
B Davazdahemami, HM Zolbanin, D Delen
Healthcare Analytics, 100020, 2022
Training, self-efficacy, and performance; A replication study
B Davazdahemami, A Luse, KP Scheibe, AM Townsend
AIS Transactions on Replication Research 4 (1), 3, 2018
Predicting and mitigating freshmen student attrition: A local-explainable machine learning framework
D Delen, B Davazdahemami, E Rasouli Dezfouli
Information Systems Frontiers 26 (2), 641-662, 2024
From General to Situational Privacy Concerns: A New Mechanism to Explain Information Disclosure in Social Networks
B Davazdahemami, B Hammer, P Kalgotra, A Luse
Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 2020
A Bayesian belief network-based analytics methodology for early-stage risk detection of novel diseases
K Topuz, B Davazdahemami, D Delen
Annals of Operations Research 341 (1), 673-697, 2024
Miscommunication in the Age of Communication: A Crowdsourcing Framework for Symptom Surveillance at the Time of Pandemics
HM Zolbanin, A Hassan Zadeh, B Davazdahemami
International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2021
Examining the effect of prescription sequence on developing adverse drug reactions: The case of renal failure in diabetic patients
B Davazdahemami, D Delen
International Journal of Medical Informatics 125 (May 2019), 62-70, 2019
A developer-oriented recommender model for the app store: A predictive network analytics approach
B Davazdahemami, P Kalgotra, HM Zolbanin, D Delen
Journal of Business Research 158, 113649, 2023
A machine learning framework for assessing the risk of venous thromboembolism in patients undergoing hip or knee replacement
E Rasouli Dezfouli, D Delen, H Zhao, B Davazdahemami
Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research 6 (4), 423-441, 2022
Adjusting COVID-19 reports for countries’ age disparities: A comparative framework for reporting performances
E Eryarsoy, D Delen, B Davazdahemami
MedRxiv, 2020.08. 31.20185223, 2020
Introduction to the Minitrack on Data Science and Machine Learning to Support Business Decisions
B Davazdahemami, H Zolbanin, D Delen
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Articles 1–20