Aneesha Bakharia
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Cited by
SNAPP: a bird's-eye view of temporal participant interaction
A Bakharia, S Dawson
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on learning analytics and …, 2011
A conceptual framework linking learning design with learning analytics
A Bakharia, L Corrin, P De Barba, G Kennedy, D Gašević, R Mulder, ...
Proceedings of the sixth international conference on learning analytics …, 2016
SNAPP: Realising the affordances of real-time SNA within networked learning environments
S Dawson, A Bakharia, E Heathcote
Networked Learning, 2010
Recipe for success: lessons learnt from using xAPI within the connected learning analytics toolkit
A Bakharia, K Kitto, A Pardo, D Gašević, S Dawson
Proceedings of the sixth international conference on learning analytics …, 2016
Using learning analytics to explore help-seeking learner profiles in MOOCs
L Corrin, PG De Barba, A Bakharia
Proceedings of the seventh international learning analytics & knowledge …, 2017
Towards cross-domain MOOC forum post classification
A Bakharia
Proceedings of the third (2016) ACM conference on learning@ scale, 253-256, 2016
Reciprocal peer recommendation for learning purposes
BA Potts, H Khosravi, C Reidsema, A Bakharia, M Belonogoff, M Fleming
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on learning analytics and …, 2018
Intelligent Learning Analytics Dashboards: Automated Drill-Down Recommendations to Support Teacher Data Exploration.
H Khosravi, S Shabaninejad, A Bakharia, S Sadiq, M Indulska, D Gasevic
Journal of Learning Analytics 8 (3), 133-154, 2021
Completing the Loop-Returning Meaningful Learning Analytics Data to Teachers: A Handbook for Educators and Learning Analytics Specialists
L Corrin, G Kennedy, P de Barba, L Lockyer, D Gasevic, D Williams, ...
Australian Government-Office for Learning and Teaching, 2016
Social networks adapting pedagogical practice: SNAPP
A Bakharia, E Heathcote, S Dawson
University of Auckland, Auckland University of Technology, and Australasian …, 2009
Interactive topic modeling for aiding qualitative content analysis
A Bakharia, P Bruza, J Watters, B Narayan, L Sitbon
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on conference on human information interaction …, 2016
Loop: A learning analytics tool to provide teachers with useful data visualisations
S Corrin, L., Kennedy, G., Barba, P.D., Bakharia, A., Lockyer, L., Gasevic ...
Ascilite 2015, 2015
Seeing’Networks: Visualising and evaluating student learning networks
S Dawson, A Bakharia, L Lockyer, E Heathcote
Australian Learning and Teaching Council, Canberra, Australia, 2011
The connected learning analytics toolkit
K Kitto, A Bakharia, M Lupton, D Mallet, J Banks, P Bruza, A Pardo, ...
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Learning Analytics …, 2016
Automated insightful drill-down recommendations for learning analytics dashboards
S Shabaninejad, H Khosravi, M Indulska, A Bakharia, P Isaias
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Learning Analytics …, 2020
On the equivalence of inductive content analysis and topic modeling
A Bakharia
Advances in Quantitative Ethnography: First International Conference, ICQE …, 2019
Profiling Language Learners in the Big Data Era
M Ocaña, H Khosravi, A Bakharia
Interactive content analysis: evaluating interactive variants of non-negative Matrix Factorisation and Latent Dirichlet Allocation as qualitative content analysis aids
A Bakharia
Queensland University of Technology, 2014
On the Evaluation of the Homogeneous Ensembles with CV-passports
V Nikulin, A Bakharia, TH Huang
Trends and Applications in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: PAKDD 2013 …, 2013
& Lockyer, L.(2016, April). A conceptual framework linking learning design with learning analytics
A Bakharia, L Corrin, P De Barba, G Kennedy, D Gašević, R Mulder
Proceedings of the sixth international conference on learning analytics …, 0
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Articles 1–20