Timo Ikonen
Cited by
Cited by
Unifying model of driven polymer translocation
T Ikonen, A Bhattacharya, T Ala-Nissila, W Sung
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (5 …, 2012
Influence of non-universal effects on dynamical scaling in driven polymer translocation
T Ikonen, A Bhattacharya, T Ala-Nissila, W Sung
The Journal of chemical physics 137 (8), 2012
Iso-flux tension propagation theory of driven polymer translocation: The role of initial configurations
J Sarabadani, T Ikonen, T Ala-Nissila
The Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (21), 2014
Influence of pore friction on the universal aspects of driven polymer translocation
T Ikonen, A Bhattacharya, T Ala-Nissila, W Sung
Europhysics Letters 103, 380001, 2013
The importance of input interactions in the uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of nuclear fuel behavior
T Ikonen, V Tulkki
Nuclear Engineering and Design 275, 229-241, 2014
Comparison of global sensitivity analysis methods–application to fuel behavior modeling
T Ikonen
Nuclear Engineering and Design 297, 72-80, 2016
Driven translocation of a semi-flexible polymer through a nanopore
J Sarabadani, T Ikonen, H Mökkönen, T Ala-Nissila, S Carson, M Wanunu
Scientific reports 7 (1), 7423, 2017
Polymer translocation under time-dependent driving forces: Resonant activation induced by attractive polymer-pore interactions
T Ikonen, J Shin, W Sung, T Ala-Nissila
The Journal of chemical physics 136 (20), 2012
The numerical multi-physics project (NUMPS) at VTT technical research centre of Finland
J Leppänen, V Hovi, T Ikonen, J Kurki, M Pusa, V Valtavirta, T Viitanen
Annals of nuclear energy 84, 55-62, 2015
Theory of polymer translocation through a flickering nanopore under an alternating driving force
J Sarabadani, T Ikonen, T Ala-Nissila
The Journal of Chemical Physics 143 (7), 2015
Module for thermomechanical modeling of LWR fuel in multiphysics simulations
T Ikonen, H Loukusa, E Syrjälahti, V Valtavirta, J Leppänen, V Tulkki
Annals of Nuclear Energy 84, 111-121, 2015
FINIX: Fuel behavior model and interface for multiphysics applications
T Ikonen, V Tulkki, E Syrjälahti, V Valtavirta, J Leppänen
LWR Fuel Performance Meeting, Top Fuel 2013, 726-733, 2013
FINIX-Fuel behavior model and interface for multiphysics applications: Code documentation for version 0.15. 12
T Ikonen, J Kättö, H Loukusa
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, 2015
Simulating fast transients with fuel behavior feedback using the serpent 2 monte carlo code
V Valtavirta, T Ikonen, T Viitanen, J Leppänen
Thermochemical modeling of nuclear fuel and the effects of oxygen potential buffers
H Loukusa, T Ikonen, V Valtavirta, V Tulkki
Journal of Nuclear Materials 481, 101-110, 2016
Multiphysics simulation of fast transients with the FINIX fuel behaviour module
T Ikonen, E Syrjälahti, V Valtavirta, H Loukusa, J Leppänen, V Tulkki
EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies 2, 37, 2016
Sensitivity analysis of local uncertainties in large break loss-of-coolant accident (LB-LOCA) thermo-mechanical simulations
A Arkoma, T Ikonen
Nuclear Engineering and Design 305, 293-302, 2016
Transition state theory approach to polymer escape from a one dimensional potential well
H Mökkönen, T Ikonen, T Ala-Nissila, H Jónsson
The Journal of Chemical Physics 142 (22), 2015
Driven polymer transport through a periodically patterned channel
T Ikonen
The Journal of Chemical Physics 140, 234906, 2014
Modeling of Zircaloy cladding primary creep during load drop and reversal
V Tulkki, T Ikonen
Journal of nuclear materials 445 (1-3), 98-103, 2014
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Articles 1–20