Paul Pudney
Paul Pudney
Science Leader, Unilever R&D BW & PC
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Mechanism and kinetics of the crosslinking reaction between biopolymers containing primary amine groups and genipin
MF Butler, YF Ng, PDA Pudney
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 41 (24), 3941-3953, 2003
Heat-stable antifreeze protein from grass
C Sidebottom, S Buckley, P Pudney, S Twigg, C Jarman, C Holt, J Telford, ...
Nature 406 (6793), 256-256, 2000
Novel amyloid fibrillar networks derived from a globular protein: β-lactoglobulin
WS Gosal, AH Clark, PDA Pudney, SB Ross-Murphy
Langmuir 18 (19), 7174-7181, 2002
Studying the effectiveness of penetration enhancers to deliver retinol through the stratum cornum by in vivo confocal Raman spectroscopy
M Mélot, PDA Pudney, AM Williamson, PJ Caspers, A Van Der Pol, ...
Journal of controlled release 138 (1), 32-39, 2009
An in vivo confocal Raman study of the delivery of trans retinol to the skin
PDA Pudney, M Mélot, PJ Caspers, A Van Der Pol, GJ Puppels
Applied Spectroscopy 61 (8), 804-811, 2007
Particle tracking microrheology of purified gastrointestinal mucins
P Georgiades, PDA Pudney, DJ Thornton, TA Waigh
Biopolymers 101 (4), 366-377, 2014
Infrared spectroscopic comparison of the chemisorbed species from ethene, propene, but-1-ene and cis-and trans-but-2-ene on Pt (111) and on a platinum/silica catalyst
CD La Cruz
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 86 (15), 2757-2763, 1990
The physico-chemical characterization of a boiling stable antifreeze protein from a perennial grass (Lolium perenne)
PDA Pudney, SL Buckley, CM Sidebottom, SN Twigg, MP Sevilla, CB Holt, ...
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 410 (2), 238-245, 2003
Factors associated with dough stickiness as sensed by attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy
EJJ van Velzen, JPM van Duynhoven, P Pudney, PL Weegels, ...
Cereal Chemistry 80 (4), 378-382, 2003
A polyphenolic pigment from black tea
AL Davis, JR Lewis, Y Cai, C Powell, AP Davis, JPG Wilkins, P Pudney, ...
Phytochemistry 46 (8), 1397-1402, 1997
High Pressure Homogenization Increases the In Vitro Bioaccessibility of α‐ and β‐Carotene in Carrot Emulsions But Not of Lycopene in Tomato Emulsions
CA Svelander, P Lopez‐Sanchez, PDA Pudney, S Schumm, ...
Journal of Food Science 76 (9), H215-H225, 2011
Tea derived galloylated polyphenols cross-link purified gastrointestinal mucins
P Georgiades, PDA Pudney, S Rogers, DJ Thornton, TA Waigh
PloS one 9 (8), e105302, 2014
Residual structure in disordered peptides and unfolded proteins from multivariate analysis and ab initio simulation of Raman optical activity data
F Zhu, J Kapitan, GE Tranter, PDA Pudney, NW Isaacs, L Hecht, ...
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 70 (3), 823-833, 2008
Reorganisation of the salivary mucin network by dietary components: insights from green tea polyphenols
HS Davies, PDA Pudney, P Georgiades, TA Waigh, NW Hodson, ...
PLoS One 9 (9), e108372, 2014
In situ confocal Raman spectroscopy of lubricants in a soft elastohydrodynamic tribological contact
JHH Bongaerts, JPR Day, C Marriott, PDA Pudney, AM Williamson
Journal of Applied Physics 104 (1), 2008
Characterising the phase behaviour of stearic acid and its triethanolamine soap and acid–soap by infrared spectroscopy
PDA Pudney, KJ Mutch, S Zhu
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11 (25), 5010-5018, 2009
Method to quantify the in vivo skin penetration of topically applied materials based on confocal Raman spectroscopy
PJ Caspers, C Nico, TC Bakker Schut, J de Sterke, PDA Pudney, ...
Translational Biophotonics 1 (1-2), e201900004, 2019
A simple molecular beam system for surface reactivity studies
M Bowker, PDA Pudney, CJ Barnes
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 8 (2 …, 1990
Quantifying the microstructures of soft solid materials by confocal Raman spectroscopy
PDA Pudney, TM Hancewicz, DG Cunningham, MC Brown
Vibrational spectroscopy 34 (1), 123-135, 2004
Molecular-beam studies of methanol partial oxidation on Cu (110)
C Barnes, P Pudney, Q Guo, M Bowker
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 86 (15), 2693-2699, 1990
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Articles 1–20