Andrzej Calka
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Cited by
Universal high performance ball-milling device and its application for mechanical alloying
A Calka, AP Radlinski
Materials Science and Engineering: A 134, 1350-1353, 1991
Effect of microstructure and composition on hydrogen permeation in X70 pipeline steels
AJ Haq, K Muzaka, DP Dunne, A Calka, EV Pereloma
International journal of hydrogen energy 38 (5), 2544-2556, 2013
Mechanical milling assisted by electrical discharge
A Calka, D Wexler
Nature 419 (6903), 147-151, 2002
Effect of manganese content and microstructure on the susceptibility of X70 pipeline steel to hydrogen cracking
D Hejazi, AJ Haq, N Yazdipour, DP Dunne, A Calka, F Barbaro, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 551, 40-49, 2012
Effects of carbon black, graphite and carbon nanotube additives on hydrogen storage properties of magnesium
ZG Huang, ZP Guo, A Calka, D Wexler, HK Liu
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 427 (1-2), 94-100, 2007
Formation of titanium and zirconium nitrides by mechanical alloying
A Calka
Applied physics letters 59 (13), 1568-1569, 1991
The preparation and thermal and mechanical properties of new titanium rich metallic glasses
DE Polk, A Calka, BC Giessen
Acta Metallurgica 26 (7), 1097-1103, 1978
Raman spectroscopy as a tool to study TiC formation during controlled ball milling
BH Lohse, A Calka, D Wexler
Journal of applied physics 97 (11), 2005
A transition-metal-free amorphous alloy: Mg. 70Zn. 30
A Calka, M Madhava, DE Polk, BC Giessen, H Matyja, J Vander Sande
Scripta Metallurgica 11 (1), 65-70, 1977
Synthesis of nitrides by mechanical alloying
A Calka, JS Williams
Materials science forum 88, 787-794, 1992
Decoupled bulk and surface crystallization in Pd85Si15 glassy metallic alloys: Description of isothermal crystallization by a local value of the Avrami exponent
A Calka, AP Radliński
Journal of Materials Research 3, 59-66, 1988
Effects of iron oxide (Fe2O3, Fe3O4) on hydrogen storage properties of Mg-based composites
ZG Huang, ZP Guo, A Calka, D Wexler, C Lukey, HK Liu
Journal of alloys and compounds 422 (1-2), 299-304, 2006
Synthesis and structural evolution of tungsten carbide prepared by ball milling
GM Wang, SJ Campbell, A Calka, WA Kaczmarek
Journal of Materials Science 32 (6), 1461-1467, 1997
Effect of starting composition on the synthesis of nanocrystalline TiC during milling of titanium and carbon
BH Lohse, A Calka, D Wexler
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 394 (1-2), 148-151, 2005
Raman spectroscopy sheds new light on TiC formation during the controlled milling of titanium and carbon
BH Lohse, A Calka, D Wexler
Journal of alloys and compounds 434, 405-409, 2007
The Al-Mn decagonal phase 1. A re-evaluation of some diffraction effects 2. Relationship to crystalline phases
JD Fitz Gerald, RL Withers, AM Stewart, A Calka
Philosophical Magazine B 58 (1), 15-33, 1988
Hydrogen storage properties of MgH2–SiC composites
A Ranjbar, ZP Guo, XB Yu, D Wexler, A Calka, CJ Kim, HK Liu
Materials Chemistry and Physics 114 (1), 168-172, 2009
Abrasive wear of WC–FeAl–B and WC–Ni3Al–B composites
M Ahmadian, D Wexler, T Chandra, A Calka
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 23 (3), 155-159, 2005
Investigation of the effect of electrolytic hydrogen charging of X70 steel: I. The effect of microstructure on hydrogen-induced cold cracking and blistering
DP Dunne, D Hejazi, AA Saleh, AJ Haq, A Calka, EV Pereloma
International journal of hydrogen energy 41 (28), 12411-12423, 2016
Mechanical alloying of high melting point intermetallics
AP Radlinski, A Calka
Materials Science and Engineering: A 134, 1376-1379, 1991
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Articles 1–20