Emiliano Bilotti
Emiliano Bilotti
Imperial College London, Department of Aeronautics
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A review on functionally graded materials and structures via additive manufacturing: from multi‐scale design to versatile functional properties
Y Li, Z Feng, L Hao, L Huang, C Xin, Y Wang, E Bilotti, K Essa, H Zhang, ...
Advanced Materials Technologies 5 (6), 1900981, 2020
Ultrahigh β-phase content poly (vinylidene fluoride) with relaxor-like ferroelectricity for high energy density capacitors
N Meng, X Ren, G Santagiuliana, L Ventura, H Zhang, J Wu, H Yan, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 4535, 2019
Strain sensing behaviour of elastomeric composite films containing carbon nanotubes under cyclic loading
R Zhang, H Deng, R Valenca, J Jin, Q Fu, E Bilotti, T Peijs
Composites Science and Technology 74, 1-5, 2013
Improved fracture toughness and integrated damage sensing capability by spray coated CNTs on carbon fibre prepreg
H Zhang, Y Liu, M Kuwata, E Bilotti, T Peijs
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 70, 102-110, 2015
Investigation into the structural, morphological, mechanical and thermal behaviour of bacterial cellulose after a two-step purification process
S Gea, CT Reynolds, N Roohpour, B Wirjosentono, N Soykeabkaew, ...
Bioresource technology 102 (19), 9105-9110, 2011
Toward stretchable self‐powered sensors based on the thermoelectric response of PEDOT: PSS/polyurethane blends
PJ Taroni, G Santagiuliana, K Wan, P Calado, M Qiu, H Zhang, NM Pugno, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (15), 1704285, 2018
Influence of filler size on the properties of poly (lactic acid)(PLA)/graphene nanoplatelet (GNP) nanocomposites
Y Gao, OT Picot, E Bilotti, T Peijs
European Polymer Journal 86, 117-131, 2017
Bacterial cellulose–poly (vinyl alcohol) nanocomposites prepared by an in-situ process
S Gea, E Bilotti, CT Reynolds, N Soykeabkeaw, T Peijs
Materials Letters 64 (8), 901-904, 2010
Fabrication and property prediction of conductive and strain sensing TPU/CNT nanocomposite fibres
E Bilotti, R Zhang, H Deng, M Baxendale, T Peijs
Journal of Materials Chemistry 20 (42), 9449-9455, 2010
Transparent semi‐crystalline polymeric materials and their nanocomposites: A review
Y Lin, E Bilotti, CWM Bastiaansen, T Peijs
Polymer Engineering & Science 60 (10), 2351-2376, 2020
Additive manufacturing high performance graphene-based composites: A review
Y Li, Z Feng, L Huang, K Essa, E Bilotti, H Zhang, T Peijs, L Hao
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 124, 105483, 2019
Controlling the dynamic percolation of carbon nanotube based conductive polymer composites by addition of secondary nanofillers: The effect on electrical conductivity and …
E Bilotti, H Zhang, H Deng, R Zhang, Q Fu, T Peijs
Composites Science and Technology 74, 85-90, 2013
Carbon nanotube polymer coatings for textile yarns with good strain sensing capability
R Zhang, H Deng, R Valenca, J Jin, Q Fu, E Bilotti, T Peijs
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 179, 83-91, 2012
The use of carbon nanotubes for damage sensing and structural health monitoring in laminated composites: a review
H Zhang, E Bilotti, T Peijs
Nanocomposites 1 (4), 167-184, 2015
Effect of melting and crystallization on the conductive network in conductive polymer composites
H Deng, T Skipa, R Zhang, D Lellinger, E Bilotti, I Alig, T Peijs
Polymer 50 (15), 3747-3754, 2009
Mechanical, electrical and thermal properties of in-situ exfoliated graphene/epoxy nanocomposites
Y Li, H Zhang, H Porwal, Z Huang, E Bilotti, T Peijs
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 95, 229-236, 2017
Polymer nanocomposites based on needle‐like sepiolite clays: Effect of functionalized polymers on the dispersion of nanofiller, crystallinity, and mechanical properties
E Bilotti, HR Fischer, T Peijs
Journal of applied polymer science 107 (2), 1116-1123, 2008
Sepiolite needle-like clay for PA6 nanocomposites: an alternative to layered silicates?
E Bilotti, R Zhang, H Deng, F Quero, HR Fischer, T Peijs
Composites Science and Technology 69 (15-16), 2587-2595, 2009
Multifunctional epoxy nanocomposites reinforced by two-dimensional materials: A review
M Dong, H Zhang, L Tzounis, G Santagiuliana, E Bilotti, ...
Carbon 185, 57-81, 2021
Preparation of high‐performance conductive polymer fibers through morphological control of networks formed by nanofillers
H Deng, T Skipa, E Bilotti, R Zhang, D Lellinger, L Mezzo, Q Fu, I Alig, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 20 (9), 1424-1432, 2010
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Articles 1–20