Peter J. Veazie
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Accuracy of mild traumatic brain injury case ascertainment using ICD‐9 codes
JJ Bazarian, P Veazie, S Mookerjee, EB Lerner
Academic emergency medicine 13 (1), 31-38, 2006
Another look at observational studies in rehabilitation research: going beyond the holy grail of the randomized controlled trial
SD Horn, G DeJong, DK Ryser, PJ Veazie, J Teraoka
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 86 (12), 8-15, 2005
Predictors of avoiding medical care and reasons for avoidance behavior
VD Kannan, PJ Veazie
Medical care 52 (4), 336-345, 2014
Primary care physician office visits for depression by older Americans
JS Harman, PJ Veazie, JM Lyness
Journal of general internal medicine 21 (9), 926-930, 2006
US trends in social isolation, social engagement, and companionship⎯ nationally and by age, sex, race/ethnicity, family income, and work hours, 2003–2020
VD Kannan, PJ Veazie
SSM-population health 21, 101331, 2023
Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) program and population-based research in urologic oncology: an overview
E Scosyrev, J Messing, K Noyes, P Veazie, E Messing
Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 30 (2), 126-132, 2012
Development and initial evaluation of a treatment decision dashboard
JG Dolan, PJ Veazie, AJ Russ
BMC medical informatics and decision making 13, 1-9, 2013
Prehospital trauma triage decision-making: a model of what happens between the 9-1-1 call and the hospital
CMC Jones, JT Cushman, EB Lerner, SG Fisher, CL Seplaki, PJ Veazie, ...
Prehospital emergency care 20 (1), 6-14, 2016
Factors associated with emergency department use among the rural elderly
L Fan, MN Shah, PJ Veazie, B Friedman
The Journal of Rural Health 27 (1), 39-49, 2011
Is personality associated with health care use by older adults?
B Friedman, PJ Veazie, BP Chapman, WG Manning, PR Duberstein
The Milbank Quarterly 91 (3), 491-527, 2013
Political orientation, political environment, and health behaviors in the United States
VD Kannan, PJ Veazie
Preventive medicine 114, 95-101, 2018
When to combine hypotheses and adjust for multiple tests
PJ Veazie
Health services research 41 (3p1), 804-818, 2006
Differences between dialysis modality selection and initiation
SE Liebman, DA Bushinsky, JG Dolan, P Veazie
American Journal of Kidney Diseases 59 (4), 550-557, 2012
Physicians’ and midlevel providers’ awareness of lifetime radiation–attributable cancer risk associated with commonly performed CT studies: relationship to practice behavior
S Puri, R Hu, RR Quazi, S Voci, P Veazie, R Block
American Journal of Roentgenology 199 (6), 1328-1336, 2012
Cost‐effectiveness of cardiac resynchronization therapy in the MADIT‐CRT trial
K Noyes, P Veazie, WJ Hall, H Zhao, A Buttaccio, ...
Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology 24 (1), 66-74, 2013
Effects of implantable cardioverter/defibrillator shock and antitachycardia pacing on anxiety and quality of life: a MADIT-RIT substudy
AP Perini, V Kutyifa, P Veazie, JP Daubert, C Schuger, W Zareba, ...
American heart journal 189, 75-84, 2017
Cardiac resynchronization and quality of life in patients with minimally symptomatic heart failure
PJ Veazie, K Noyes, Q Li, WJ Hall, A Buttaccio, K Thevenet-Morrison, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 60 (19), 1940-1944, 2012
Inflammatory biomarkers and growth factors in saliva and gingival crevicular fluid of e‐cigarette users, cigarette smokers, and dual smokers: a pilot study
D Ye, S Gajendra, G Lawyer, N Jadeja, D Pishey, S Pathagunti, J Lyons, ...
Journal of periodontology 91 (10), 1274-1283, 2020
Role of the gender-linked norm of toughness in the decision to engage in treatment for depression
RE O'Loughlin, PR Duberstein, PJ Veazie, RA Bell, AB Rochlen, ...
Psychiatric Services 62 (7), 740-746, 2011
Validation of the Minimum Data Set in identifying hospitalization events and payment source
S Cai, DB Mukamel, P Veazie, H Temkin-Greener
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 12 (1), 38-43, 2011
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Articles 1–20