Fini Fathima
Fini Fathima
Asso. Professor, EEE Dept
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Cited by
Design and analysis of an improved artificial neural network controller for the energy efficiency enhancement of wind power plant
T Mariprasath, C Shilaja, CH Hussaian Basha, M Murali, F Fathima, ...
Computational Methods and Data Engineering: Proceedings of ICCMDE 2021, 67-77, 2022
Application of DSO algorithm for estimating the parameters of triple diode model-based solar PV system
PA Kumari, CHH Basha, R Puppala, F Fathima, C Dhanamjayulu, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 3867, 2024
Design of high voltage gain converter for fuel cell based EV application with hybrid optimization MPPT controller
S Rafikiran, CHH Basha, G Devadasu, PM Tom, F Fathima, V Prashanth
Materials Today: Proceedings 92, 106-111, 2023
Harmonic analysis on various traction transformers in co-phase traction system
F Fathima, SP Karthikeyan
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 7 (2), 627-638, 2016
Design of GWO based fuzzy MPPT controller for fuel cell fed EV application with high voltage gain DC-DC converter
CHH Basha, S Rafikiran, SS Sujatha, F Fathima, V Prashanth, BS Varma
Materials Today: Proceedings 92, 66-72, 2023
Design and performance evaluation of solid oxide-based fuel cell stack for electric vehicle system with modified marine predator optimized fuzzy controller
S Rafikiran, CHH Basha, M Murali, F Fathima
Materials Today: Proceedings 60, 1898-1904, 2022
Design of artificial intelligence-based hybrid MPPT controllers for partially shaded solar PV system with non-isolated boost converter
SR Kiran, M Murali, CH Hussaian Basha, F Fathima
Computer Vision and Robotics: Proceedings of CVR 2021, 353-363, 2022
Adaptive RAO ensembled dichotomy technique for the accurate parameters extraction of solar PV system
P Ashwini Kumari, CHH Basha, F Fathima, C Dhanamjayulu, H Kotb, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 12920, 2024
Application of cubic spline interpolation in estimating market power under deregulated electricity market
S Ahmed, F Fathima, SP Karthikeyan, SK Sahoo, SS Rangarajan, ...
TENCON 2015-2015 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1-6, 2015
Design and analysis of an adaptive soft computing power point tracing techniques for time-varying irradiation condition of solar PV
CHH Basha, M Murali, T Mariprasanth, S Rafikiran, F Fathima
Computer Vision and Robotics: Proceedings of CVR 2021, 381-392, 2022
A new way of optimal scheduling of virtual energy storages for microgrids regulation
CH Hussaian Basha, P Manjunatha Babu, S Velpula, F Fathima, ...
International Conference on Computational Intelligence, 583-597, 2023
Prediction of market power using SVM as regressor under deregulated electricity market
K Shafeeque Ahmed, F Fathima, R Ananthavijayan, PK Shanmugam, ...
Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem …, 2016
Design of Neural Network Fed MPPT Controller for Enhancing the Efficiency of Wind Power Network
CH Hussaian Basha, S Velpula, P Ashwini Kumari, F Fathima, ...
International Conference on Computational Intelligence, 573-582, 2023
Materials Today: Proceedings
S Rafikiran, CHH Basha, M Murali, F Fathima
J Joseph, G Pravin Sam, G Paul, A Krishna, A Joy, F Fathima
National Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronics …, 0
F Fathima, S Resmara
National Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronics …, 0
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Articles 1–16