Lysander Weiss
Lysander Weiss
Senior Research Fellow, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
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Cited by
Cited by
Toward an integrated framework of corporate venturing for organizational ambidexterity as a dynamic capability
L Weiss, D K. Kanbach
Management Review Quarterly 72 (4), 1129-1170, 2022
Erfolgreich durch die Krise
F Lanzer, L Sauberschwarz, L Weiß
Springer Gabler. https://doi. org/10 1007, 978-3, 2020
Leveraging new business innovation for strategic renewal: An organizational framework for strategic corporate venturing
L Weiss, DK Kanbach
Creativity and innovation management 32 (2), 316-339, 2023
Strategic corporate venturing in interlinked ambidextrous units: An exploratory model
L Weiss, DK Kanbach, S Kraus, M Dabić
European Management Journal 42 (4), 595-610, 2024
Ergebnisbericht: Status Quo (Scaled) Agile 2019/20. 4
A Komus, M Kuberg, S Schmidt, L Rost, CP Koch, S Bartnick, E Graf, ...
Internationale Studie zu Nutzen und Erfolgsfaktoren (skalierter) agiler …, 2020
Das Comeback der Konzerne: Wie große Unternehmen mit effizienten Innovationen den Kampf gegen disruptive Start-ups gewinnen
L Sauberschwarz, L Weiß
Vahlen, 2018
Studie Status Quo (Scaled) Agile 2019/2020
A Komus, M Kuberg, S Schmidt, L Rost, CP Koch, S Bartnick, E Graf, ...
Hochschule Koblenz, Koblenz, 2020
How agile leaders promote continuous innovation–An explorative framework
L Weiss, L Vergin, DK Kanbach
Innovation leadership in practice: How leaders turn ideas into value in a …, 2023
Performing open innovation through strategic venture clienting: A guiding principles framework
B Mais, L Weiss, D Kanbach
ISPIM Conference Proceedings, 1-16, 2023
How corporations can win the race against disruptive startups
L Sauberschwarz, L Weiss
Digital marketplaces unleashed, 155-167, 2018
Strategieentwicklung in Krisenzeiten
F Lanzer, L Sauberschwarz, L Weiß, F Lanzer, L Sauberschwarz, L Weiß
Erfolgreich durch die Krise: Strategieentwicklung in Zeiten von Finanzkrise …, 2020
Innovation-to-business: Enhancing the innovation management system of Schaeffler
A Lau, L Weiß, T Smetana, L Sauberschwarz, C Weyhersmüller
ISPIM conference proceedings, 1-15, 2023
Empowering organizational agility through a holistic management control system: A conceptual model
L Vergin, L Weiss, D Kanbach, T Sertler
ISPIM Conference Proceedings, 1-38, 2022
New Work Playbook: Mit sanfter Veränderung zu radikalen Verbesserungen
K Dämon, S Eversloh, L Sauberschwarz, L Weiß
Franz Vahlen, 2022
Strategy needs agility: Implementing a novel agile management system at fast pace
T Rückert, L Sauberschwarz, L Weiss
ISPIM conference proceedings, 1-12, 2021
The influence of incubators on the internationalization of born globals
P Roelen-Blasberg, L Weiss
Jonkoping International Business School, 2014
Return on Innovation: The impact of innovation capabilities and types on the Value Creation Performance of Private Equity Portfolio Companies
R Klostermeier, L Weiss
ISPIM Conference Proceedings, 1-43, 2023
Strategic corporate venturing in interlinked-ambidextrous units: A novel recipe for continuous strategic renewal of established companies
L Weiss
The Innovation Machine: Efficient Innovation in Corporations
L Sauberschwarz, L Weiss
The Corporates Strike Back: How Large Companies Win the Innovation Race …, 2022
Corporates Strike Back
L Sauberschwarz, L Weiss
Springer International Publishing, 2022
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Articles 1–20