Ross Curran
Cited by
Cited by
Visitors' engagement and authenticity: Japanese heritage consumption
D Bryce, R Curran, K O'Gorman, B Taheri
Tourism Management 46, 571-581, 2015
Corporate social responsibility: reviewed, rated, revised
T Farrington, R Curran, K Gori, KD O’Gorman, CJ Queenan
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 29 (1), 30-47, 2017
Travelling for Umrah: Destination attributes, destination image, and post-travel intentions
MJ Gannon, IWF Baxter, E Collinson, R Curran, T Farrington, S Glasgow, ...
The Service Industries Journal 37 (7-8), 448-465, 2017
Nonprofit Brand Heritage: Its Ability to Influence Volunteer Retention, Engagement, and Satisfaction
R Curran, B Taheri, R MacIntosh, K O'Gorman
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 2016
Pro‐Poor tourism in a first world urban setting: Case study of Glasgow Govan
R Butler, R Curran, KD O'Gorman
International Journal of Tourism Research 15 (5), 443-457, 2013
Self-expression and play: can religious tourism be hedonistic?
S Lochrie, IWF Baxter, E Collinson, R Curran, MJ Gannon, B Taheri, ...
Tourism Recreation Research 44 (1), 2-16, 2019
The traditional marketplace: serious leisure and recommending authentic travel
R Curran, IWF Baxter, E Collinson, MJ Gannon, S Lochrie, B Taheri, ...
The Service Industries Journal 38 (15-16), 1116-1132, 2018
A community of practice approach to teaching international entrepreneurship
M Musteen, R Curran, N Arroteia, M Ripollés, A Blesa
Administrative Sciences 8 (4), 56, 2018
Servicescape and shopping value: The role of negotiation intention, social orientation, and recreational identity at the Istanbul Grand Bazaar, Turkey
O Yalinay, IWF Baxter, E Collinson, R Curran, MJ Gannon, S Lochrie, ...
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 35 (9), 1132-1144, 2018
Negotiation, bargaining, and discounts: Generating WoM and local tourism development at the Tabriz bazaar, Iran
J Thompson, IWF Baxter, R Curran, MJ Gannon, S Lochrie, B Taheri, ...
Current Issues in Asian Tourism, 127-134, 2020
A modern day panopticon: Using power and control theory to manage volunteer tourists in Bolivia
J Thompson, R Curran, K D O'Gorman
Tourism Management Perspectives 22, 34-43, 2017
Qualitative data gathering techniques
S Lochrie, R Curran, K O’Gorman
Research Methods for Business and Management, 118-121, 2015
Enhancing volunteer experiences: using communitas to improve engagement and commitment
R Curran, B Taheri
The Service Industries Journal 41 (15-16), 1053-1075, 2021
Gathering qualitative data
R Curran, S Lochrie, K O’Gorman
Research methods for business & mana gement. Oxford: Goodfellow, 2014
Improving Cultural Intelligence, Psychological Empowerment, and Task Performance in the Classroom: Global Game Challenge
R Curran, N Arroteia, A Blesa, M Musteen, M Ripollés
Journal of Teaching in International Business 32 (1), 36-56, 2021
Global board games project: a cross-border entrepreneurship experiential learning initiative
N Arroteia, R Curran, A Blesa, M Ripollés, M Musteen
Enterprising Education in UK Higher Education, 70-91, 2018
Unpacking non-profit brand heritage: creating more satisfied and committed volunteers
RWFA Curran
Social Sciences, 2017
Methods and techniques for qualitative data gathering
B Ogharanduku, D Jubb, S Lochrie, R Curran, K O'Gorman
A. Paterson, D. Leung, W. Jackson, R. MacIntosh, & K. O'Gorman, Research …, 2016
Business Organizations The Internal Environment
J McFarlane, R Curran
Goodfellow Publishers, 2016
Activating the diaspora: engagement and satisfaction amongst philanthropic transient volunteer tourists
J Thompson, MJ Gannon, R Curran, B Taheri
Academy of Marketing: Tourism Marketing Special Interest Group (SIG), 2017
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Articles 1–20