shari diamond
shari diamond
Professor of Law and Professor of Psychology, Northwestern University; Research Professor, American Bar Foundation
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Illuminations and shadows from jury simulations
SS Diamond
Law and Human Behavior 21 (5), 561-571, 1997
The effect of peremptory challenges on jury and verdict: An experiment in a federal district court
H Zeisel, SS Diamond
Stanford Law Review, 491-531, 1978
Blindfolding the jury to verdict consequences: Damages, experts, and the civil jury
SS Diamond, JD Casper
Law & Society Review 26 (3), 513-563, 1992
A critical review of the jury simulation paradigm: The case of defendant characteristics
W Weiten, SS Diamond
Law and Human Behavior 3 (1), 71-93, 1979
Juries and expert evidence
N Vidmar, SS Diamond
Brook. L. Rev. 66, 1121, 2000
Juror discussions during civil trials: Studying an Arizona innovation
SS Diamond, N Vidmar, M Rose, L Ellis
Ariz. L. Rev. 45, 1, 2003
Juror reactions to DNA evidence: Errors and expectancies
J Schklar, SS Diamond
Law and Human Behavior 23 (2), 159-184, 1999
Sentencing councils: A study of sentence disparity and its reduction
SS Diamond, H Zeisel
U. Chi. L. Rev. 43, 109, 1975
Convincing empirical evidence on the six member jury
H Zeisel, SS Diamond
U. Chi. L. Rev. 41, 281, 1973
Improving decisions on death by revising and testing jury instructions
SS Diamond, JN Levi
Judicature 79, 224, 1995
Jury room ruminations on forbidden topics
SS Diamond, N Vidmar
Va. L. Rev. 87, 1857, 2001
Juror Judgments about Liability and Damages: Sources of Viriability and Ways to Increase Consistency
SS Diamond, MJ Saks, S Landsman
DePaul L. Rev. 48, 301, 1998
Reference guide on survey research
SS Diamond
Reference manual on scientific evidence 221, 228, 2000
Efficiency and cost: The impact of videoconferenced hearings on bail decisions
SS Diamond, LE Bowman, M Wong, MM Patton
J. Crim. L. & Criminology 100, 869, 2010
Revisiting the unanimity requirement: The behavior of the non-unanimous civil jury
SS Diamond, MR Rose, B Murphy
Nw. UL Rev. 100, 201, 2006
Formation and change in lay evaluations of criminal sentencing: Misperception and discontent
LJ Stalans, SS Diamond
Law and Human Behavior 14 (3), 199-214, 1990
The kettleful of law in real jury deliberations: Successes, failures, and next steps
SS Diamond, B Murphy, MR Rose
Nw. UL Rev. 106, 1537, 2012
Be careful what you wish for: The paradoxical effects of bifurcating claims for punitive damages
S Landsman, S Diamond, L Dimitropoulos, MJ Saks
Wis. L. Rev., 297, 1998
Eminent domain and the psychology of property rights: Proposed use, subjective attachment, and taker identity
J Nadler, SS Diamond
Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 5 (4), 713-749, 2008
The promise of a cognitive perspective on jury deliberation
JM Salerno, SS Diamond
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 17, 174-179, 2010
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