Julia Affolderbach
Julia Affolderbach
Professor for Sustainability Transitions, University of Trier
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Cited by
Private or self-regulation? A comparative study of forest certification choices in Canada, the United States and Germany
B Cashore, GC Van Kooten, I Vertinsky, G Auld, J Affolderbach
Forest policy and economics 7 (1), 53-69, 2005
Mobile transitions: Exploring synergies for urban sustainability research
J Affolderbach, C Schulz
Urban Studies 53 (9), 1942-1957, 2016
Positioning Vancouver through urban sustainability strategies? The Greenest City 2020 Action Plan
J Affolderbach, C Schulz
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017
“Just” ecopreneurs: re-conceptualising green transitions and entrepreneurship
J Affolderbach, R Krueger
Local Environment 22 (4), 410-423, 2017
Environmental bargains: Power struggles and decision making over British Columbia’s and Tasmania’s old-growth forests
J Affolderbach
Economic Geography 87 (2), 181-206, 2011
Environmental bargaining and boundary organizations: remapping British Columbia's Great Bear Rainforest
J Affolderbach, RA Clapp, R Hayter
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 102 (6), 1391-1408, 2012
Translating green economy concepts into practice: ideas pitches as learning tools for sustainability education
J Affolderbach
Journal of Geography in Higher Education 46 (1), 43-60, 2022
Theorien in der Raum- und Stadtforschung
J Oßenbrügge, A Vogelpohl
Green building transitions
J Affolderbach, C Schulz
Regional trajectories of innovation in Europe, Canada and Australia. The …, 2018
Interactive knowledge generation in urban green building transitions
B Preller, J Affolderbach, C Schulz, S Fastenrath, B Braun
The Professional Geographer 69 (2), 212-224, 2017
Global-local tensions in urban green neighbourhoods: a policy mobilities approach to discursive change in Freiburg, Vancouver and Luxembourg
J Affolderbach, K O’Neill, B Preller
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 101 (4), 271-290, 2019
Blending Scales of Governance: Land‐Use Policies and Practices in the Small State of Luxembourg
J Affolderbach, C Carr
Regional Studies 50 (6), 944-955, 2016
Negotiating stakeholder relationships in a regional circular economy: discourse analysis of multi-scalar policies and company statements from the North of England
A Newsholme, P Deutz, J Affolderbach, RJ Baumgartner
Circular economy and sustainability 2 (2), 783-809, 2022
Grünes Wachstum und alternative Wirtschaftsformen
C Schulz, J Affolderbach
Geographische Rundschau 67 (5), 4-9, 2015
Theorizing Borders Through Analyses of Power Relationships
P Gilles, H Koff, C Maganda, C Schulz
Institutional thickening and innovation: reflections on the remapping of the Great Bear Rainforest
A Clapp, R Hayter, J Affolderbach, L Guzman
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 41 (3), 244-257, 2016
Rescaling sustainability? Local opportunities and scalar contradictions
C Carr, J Affolderbach
Local Environment 19 (6), 567-571, 2014
Freiburg: the emblematic green city
J Affolderbach, C Schulz, S Fastenrath, B Preller
Green Building Transitions: Regional Trajectories of Innovation in Europe …, 2018
Industrial restructuring through eco-transformation: green industrial transfer in changsha–zhuzhou–xiangtan, hunan province
B Deng, J Affolderbach, P Deutz
Sustainability 12 (17), 6945, 2020
Negotiating border regions: Retail development in Luxembourg and the greater region
J Affolderbach
PIE Peter Lang, Brussels, Belgium, 2013
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Articles 1–20