Benjamin M. Goldberg
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Species-independent femtosecond localized electric field measurement
A Dogariu, BM Goldberg, S O’Byrne, RB Miles
Physical Review Applied 7 (2), 024024, 2017
Electric field measurements in a near atmospheric pressure nanosecond pulse discharge with picosecond electric field induced second harmonic generation
BM Goldberg, TL Chng, A Dogariu, RB Miles
Applied Physics Letters 112 (6), 2018
1D time evolving electric field profile measurements with sub-ns resolution using the E-FISH method
BM Goldberg, S Reuter, A Dogariu, RB Miles
Optics letters 44 (15), 3853-3856, 2019
Electric field measurements in a nanosecond pulse discharge in atmospheric air
MS Simeni, BM Goldberg, C Zhang, K Frederickson, WR Lempert, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (18), 184002, 2017
Electric field measurements in a dielectric barrier nanosecond pulse discharge with sub-nanosecond time resolution
BM Goldberg, I Shkurenkov, S O’Byrne, IV Adamovich, WR Lempert
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 24 (3), 035010, 2015
Electric field determination in transient plasmas: in situ & non-invasive methods
BM Goldberg, T Hoder, R Brandenburg
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 31 (7), 073001, 2022
Electric field vector measurements in a surface ionization wave discharge
BM Goldberg, PS Böhm, U Czarnetzki, IV Adamovich, WR Lempert
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 24 (5), 055017, 2015
Time and space resolved diagnostics for plasma thermal-chemical instability of fuel oxidation in nanosecond plasma discharges
AC Rousso, BM Goldberg, TY Chen, S Wu, A Dogariu, RB Miles, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 29 (10), 105012, 2020
Electric field vector measurements via nanosecond electric-field-induced second-harmonic generation
TL Chng, M Naphade, BM Goldberg, IV Adamovich, SM Starikovskaia
Optics letters 45 (7), 1942-1945, 2020
Electric field in an AC dielectric barrier discharge overlapped with a nanosecond pulse discharge
BM Goldberg, I Shkurenkov, IV Adamovich, WR Lempert
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25 (4), 045008, 2016
Sub-nanosecond resolution electric field measurements during ns pulse breakdown in ambient air
MS Simeni, B Goldberg, I Gulko, K Frederickson, IV Adamovich
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51 (1), 01LT01, 2017
1-D imaging of rotation-vibration non-equilibrium from pure rotational ultrafast coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering
TY Chen, BM Goldberg, BD Patterson, E Kolemen, Y Ju, CJ Kliewer
Optics Letters 45 (15), 4252-4255, 2020
Time-domain modelling and thermometry of the CH4 ν1 Q-branch using hybrid femtosecond/picosecond coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering
TY Chen, CJ Kliewer, BM Goldberg, E Kolemen, Y Ju
Combustion and Flame 224, 183-195, 2021
Time-resolved characterization of plasma properties in a CH4/He nanosecond-pulsed dielectric barrier discharge
TY Chen, AC Rousso, S Wu, BM Goldberg, H Van Der Meiden, Y Ju, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52 (18), 18LT02, 2019
Energy transfer in interaction of a cold atmospheric pressure plasma jet with substrates
L Hansen, BM Goldberg, D Feng, RB Miles, H Kersten, S Reuter
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 30 (4), 045004, 2021
Characterization of an optical pulse slicer for gas-phase electric field measurements using field-induced second harmonic generation
TL Chng, C Ding, M Naphade, BM Goldberg, IV Adamovich, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 15 (03), C03005, 2020
Optimization of filtered Rayleigh scattering for the measurement of pressure and temperature
D Feng, BM Goldberg, MN Shneider, RB Miles
Combustion Science and Technology 194 (8), 1568-1586, 2022
1d spatially resolved electric fields in atmospheric pressure nanosecond pulse discharges using ultrashort laser pulses
BM Goldberg, S Reuter, A Dogariu, R Miles
AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 1508, 2019
A model study of filtered Rayleigh scattering sensitivity to pressure and temperature
D Feng, BM Goldberg, M Naphade, MN Shneider, RB Miles
2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2042, 2018
Resolved rotation–vibration non-equilibrium with rotational VIPA-CARS
SA Steinmetz, TY Chen, BM Goldberg, CM Limbach, CJ Kliewer
Optics Letters 47 (20), 5429-5432, 2022
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Articles 1–20