Mark Feblowitz
Mark Feblowitz
IBM Research
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Cited by
Wishful search: interactive composition of data mashups
AV Riabov, E Boillet, MD Feblowitz, Z Liu, A Ranganathan
Proceedings of the 17th international conference on World Wide Web, 775-784, 2008
Method for declarative semantic expression of user intent to enable goal-driven stream processing
MD Feblowitz, Z Liu, A Ranganathan, AV Riabov
US Patent 7,899,861, 2011
A decision making methodology in support of the business rules lifecycle
D Rosca, S Greenspan, M Feblowitz, C Wild
Proceedings of ISRE'97: 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Requirements …, 1997
Method and system for automatically assembling processing graphs in information processing systems
MD Feblowitz, Z Liu, A Ranganathan, AV Riabov
US Patent 8,370,812, 2013
Method and system for composing stream processing applications according to a semantic description of a processing goal
MD Feblowitz, Z Liu, A Ranganathan, AV Riabov
US Patent 8,166,465, 2012
A semantics-based middleware for utilizing heterogeneous sensor networks
E Bouillet, M Feblowitz, Z Liu, A Ranganathan, A Riabov, F Ye
International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, 174-188, 2007
WHAM: supporting mobile workforce and applications in workflow environments
J Jeng, K Huff, B Hurwitz, H Sinha, B Robinson, M Feblowitz
Proceedings Tenth International Workshop on Research Issues in Data …, 2000
Method for semantic modeling of stream processing components to enable automatic application composition
MD Feblowitz, Z Liu, A Ranganathan, AV Riabov
US Patent 8,098,248, 2012
Answering Binary Causal Questions Through Large-Scale Text Mining: An Evaluation Using Cause-Effect Pairs from Human Experts.
O Hassanzadeh, D Bhattacharjya, M Feblowitz, K Srinivas, M Perrone, ...
IJCAI, 5003-5009, 2019
A folksonomy-based model of web services for discovery and automatic composition
E Bouillet, M Feblowitz, H Feng, Z Liu, A Ranganathan, A Riabov
2008 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing 1, 389-396, 2008
Scenario-based analysis of COTS acquisition impacts
MD Feblowitz, SJ Greenspan
Requirements Engineering 3, 182-201, 1998
A tag-based approach for the design and composition of information processing applications
E Bouillet, M Feblowitz, Z Liu, A Ranganathan, A Riabov
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGPLAN conference on object-oriented …, 2008
Requirements engineering using the SOS paradigm
S Greenspan, M Feblowitz
[1993] Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Requirements …, 1993
IBM scenario planning advisor: Plan recognition as AI planning in practice
S Sohrabi, M Katz, O Hassanzadeh, O Udrea, MD Feblowitz, A Riabov
Ai Communications 32 (1), 1-13, 2019
System and method of stream processing workflow composition using automatic planning
K Anderson, J Bigus, M Feblowitz, G Grabarnik, N Halim, Z Liu, A Riabov
US Patent App. 11/361,877, 2007
A knowledge engineering and planning framework based on OWL ontologies
E Bouillet, M Feblowitz, Z Liu, A Ranganathan, A Riabov
Proceedings of the Second International Competition on Knowledge Engineering 191, 2007
Method for modeling components of an information processing application using semantic graph transformations
MD Feblowitz, Z Liu, A Ranganathan, AV Riabov
US Patent 7,882,485, 2011
Application of a decision support mechanism to the business rules lifecycle
D Rosca, S Greenspan, C Wild, H Reubenstein, K Maly, M Feblowitz
Proceedings 1995 10th Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Conference, 114-121, 1995
Method and system for assembling information processing applications based on declarative semantic specifications
MD Feblowitz, N Halim, Z Liu, A Ranganathan, AV Riabov
US Patent 8,863,102, 2014
Causal knowledge extraction through large-scale text mining
O Hassanzadeh, D Bhattacharjya, M Feblowitz, K Srinivas, M Perrone, ...
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (09), 13610 …, 2020
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Articles 1–20