Mario A. Nascimento
Mario A. Nascimento
Director of Pacific Northwest Research, Northeastern University
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Cited by
On the generation of spatiotemporal datasets
Y Theodoridis, JRO Silva, MA Nascimento
International Symposium on Spatial Databases, 147-164, 1999
A compact and efficient image retrieval approach based on border/interior pixel classification
RO Stehling, MA Nascimento, AX Falcão
Proceedings of the eleventh international conference on Information and …, 2002
Towards historical R-trees
MA Nascimento, JRO Silva
Proceedings of the 1998 ACM symposium on Applied Computing, 235-240, 1998
Spade: On shape-based pattern detection in streaming time series
Y Chen, MA Nascimento, BC Ooi, AKH Tung
2007 IEEE 23rd International conference on data engineering, 786-795, 2006
Analysis of SIGMOD's co-authorship graph
MA Nascimento, J Sander, J Pound
ACM Sigmod record 32 (3), 8-10, 2003
Evaluation of access structures for discretely moving points
MA Nascimento, JRO Silva, Y Theodoridis
International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Database Management, 171-189, 1999
ST2B-tree: a self-tunable spatio-temporal b+-tree index for moving objects
S Chen, BC Ooi, KL Tan, MA Nascimento
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2008
Aggregation convergecast scheduling in wireless sensor networks
B Malhotra, I Nikolaidis, MA Nascimento
Wireless Networks 17, 319-335, 2011
PIST: an efficient and practical indexing technique for historical spatio-temporal point data
V Botea, D Mallett, MA Nascimento, J Sander
GeoInformatica 12, 143-168, 2008
A framework for spatio-temporal query processing over wireless sensor networks
A Coman, MA Nascimento, J Sander
Proceeedings of the 1st International Workshop on Data Management for Sensor …, 2004
Generating spatiotemporal datasets on the WWW
Y Theodoridis, MA Nascimento
ACM SIGMOD Record 29 (3), 39-43, 2000
Improving web search efficiency via a locality based static pruning method
ES De Moura, CF dos Santos, DR Fernandes, AS Silva, P Calado, ...
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web, 235-244, 2005
Exact top-k queries in wireless sensor networks
B Malhotra, MA Nascimento, I Nikolaidis
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 23 (10), 1513-1525, 2010
Indexing valid time databases via B/sup+/-trees
MA Nascimento, MH Dunham
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 11 (6), 929-947, 1999
On “shapes” of colors for content-based image retrieval
RO Stehling, MA Nascimento, AX Falcao
Proceedings of the 2000 ACM workshops on Multimedia, 171-174, 2000
An adaptive and efficient clustering-based approach for content-based image retrieval in image databases
RO Stehling, MA Nascimento, AX Falcao
Proceedings 2001 International Database Engineering and Applications …, 2001
Uniformaugment: A search-free probabilistic data augmentation approach
TC LingChen, A Khonsari, A Lashkari, MR Nazari, JS Sambee, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.14348, 2020
Cell histograms versus color histograms for image representation and retrieval
RO Stehling, MA Nascimento, AX Falcão
Knowledge and Information Systems 5, 315-336, 2003
An analysis of spatio-temporal query processing in sensor networks
A Coman, J Sander, MA Nascimento
21st International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW'05), 1190 …, 2005
Adaptive processing of historical spatial range queries in peer-to-peer sensor networks
A Coman, J Sander, MA Nascimento
Distributed and Parallel Databases 22, 133-163, 2007
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Articles 1–20