Do green HRM practices influence employees' environmental performance? Z Hameed, IU Khan, T Islam, Z Sheikh, RM Naeem International Journal of Manpower 41 (7), 1061-1079, 2020 | 544 | 2020 |
Predicting the acceptance of MOOCs in a developing country: Application of task-technology fit model, social motivation, and self-determination theory IU Khan, Z Hameed, Y Yu, T Islam, Z Sheikh, SU Khan Telematics and Informatics 35 (4), 964-978, 2018 | 339 | 2018 |
Impact of social commerce constructs and social support on social commerce intentions Z Sheikh, L Yezheng, T Islam, Z Hameed, IU Khan Information Technology & People 32 (1), 68-93, 2019 | 251 | 2019 |
Acceptance of social commerce framework in Saudi Arabia Z Sheikh, T Islam, S Rana, Z Hameed, U Saeed Telematics and Informatics 34 (8), 1693-1708, 2017 | 230 | 2017 |
Organizational justice and knowledge sharing behavior: The role of psychological ownership and perceived organizational support Z Hameed, IU Khan, Z Sheikh, T Islam, MI Rasheed, RM Naeem Personnel Review 48 (3), 748-773, 2019 | 184 | 2019 |
Social comparison, materialism, and compulsive buying based on stimulus-response-model: a comparative study among adolescents and young adults T Islam, Z Sheikh, Z Hameed, IU Khan, RI Azam Young Consumers 19 (1), 19-37, 2018 | 180 | 2018 |
The impact of self-congruity (symbolic and functional) on the brand hate: a study based on self-congruity theory T Islam, S Attiq, Z Hameed, MN Khokhar, Z Sheikh British Food Journal 121 (1), 71-88, 2019 | 163 | 2019 |
Determinants of compulsive buying behavior among young adults: The mediating role of materialism T Islam, J Wei, Z Sheikh, Z Hameed, RI Azam Journal of adolescence 61, 117-130, 2017 | 158 | 2017 |
Corporate social responsibility and employee pro-environmental behaviors: The role of perceived organizational support and organizational pride Z Hameed, IU Khan, T Islam, Z Sheikh, SU Khan South Asian Journal of Business Studies 8 (3), 246-265, 2019 | 95 | 2019 |
Why DO citizens engage in government social media accounts during COVID-19 pandemic? A comparative study T Islm, H Meng, AH Pitafi, AU Zafar, Z Sheikh, MS Mubarik, X Liang Telematics and Informatics 62, 101619, 2021 | 76 | 2021 |
Mapping online App hate: determinants and consequences T Islam, J Li, A Ali, L Xiaobei, Z Sheikh, AU Zafar Telematics and Informatics 51, 101401, 2020 | 52 | 2020 |
Role of third party logistics providers with advanced IT to increase customer satisfaction in supply chain integration Z Sheikh, S Rana Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research (SIBR) 2011 Conference on …, 2011 | 34 | 2011 |
Consumers’ acceptance of social commerce during COVID-19 lockdown Z Sheikh, A Ghaffar, T Islam, AA Sheikh Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science 33 (2), 210-230, 2023 | 17 | 2023 |
The impact of Green HRM practices on EOCB: The mediating role of green employee empowerment Z Hameed, T Islam, I Ullah Khan, Z Sheikh, X Liang Academy of management proceedings 2019 (1), 16204, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
The behavioural intention among young adults in Thailand to purchase fashionable clothing: Mediating the role of information accessibility W Thein Min, Z Sheikh, S Ray, K D Academy of Marketing Studies Journal 29 (Special Issue 1), 1-16, 2024 | | 2024 |
Situation Analysis of the Physical Rehabilitation Policy and the Social Health Protection Initiative, the Sehat Sahulat Program (SSP), in Pakistan O Golra, M Golra, Z Sheikh Pakistan (October 01, 2022), 2022 | | 2022 |
Social Commerce Constructs, Social Support and Relationship Quality in Social Commerce Intentions and Use Behavior--Model Z Sheikh, L Yezheng, T Islam, Z Hameed, IU Khan Information Technology & People, 0 | | |
Young Consumers T Islam, Z Sheikh, Z Hameed, IU Khan, RI Azam | | |