Samel Arslanagic
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Cited by
A review of the scattering-parameter extraction method with clarification of ambiguity issues in relation to metamaterial homogenization
S Arslanagić, TV Hansen, NA Mortensen, AH Gregersen, O Sigmund, ...
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 55 (2), 91-106, 2013
Highly subwavelength, superdirective cylindrical nanoantenna
S Arslanagić, RW Ziolkowski
Physical Review Letters 120 (23), 237401, 2018
Active coated nano-particle excited by an arbitrarily located electric Hertziandipole—resonance and transparency effects
S Arslanagić, RW Ziolkowski
Journal of Optics 12 (2), 024014, 2010
Analytical and numerical investigation of the radiation from concentric metamaterial spheres excited by an electric Hertzian dipole
S Arslanagic, RW Ziolkowski, O Breinbjerg
Radio Science 42 (06), 1-20, 2007
Analytical and numerical investigation of the radiation and scattering from concentric metamaterial cylinders excited by an electric line source
S Arslanagic, RW Ziolkowski, O Breinbjerg
Radio Science 42 (06), 1-22, 2007
Water-based devices for advanced control of electromagnetic waves
RE Jacobsen, S Arslanagić, AV Lavrinenko
Applied Physics Reviews 8 (4), 2021
Electric-line-source illumination of a circular cylinder of lossless double-negative material: an investigation of near field, directivity, and radiation resistance
S Arslanagic, O Breinbjerg
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 48 (3), 38-54, 2006
Excitation of an electrically small metamaterial‐coated cylinder by an arbitrarily located line source
S Arslanagic, RW Ziolkowski, O Breinbjerg
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 48 (12), 2598-2606, 2006
Water-based metasurfaces for effective switching of microwaves
RE Jacobsen, AV Lavrinenko, S Arslanagić
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 17 (4), 571-574, 2018
A water-based Huygens dielectric resonator antenna
RE Jacobsen, AV Lavrinenko, S Arslanagić
IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation 1, 493-499, 2020
Boundary-induced embedded eigenstate in a single resonator for advanced sensing
RE Jacobsen, A Krasnok, S Arslanagic, AV Lavrinenko, A Alu
ACS photonics 9 (6), 1936-1943, 2022
Control of exceptional points in photonic crystal slabs
PM Kamiński, A Taghizadeh, O Breinbjerg, J Mørk, S Arslanagić
Optics Letters 42 (15), 2866-2869, 2017
Active coated nanoparticles: impact of plasmonic material choice
S Arslanagic, RW Ziolkowski
Applied Physics A 103, 795-798, 2011
Impact of the excitation source and plasmonic material on cylindrical active coated nano-particles
S Arslanagic, Y Liu, R Malureanu, RW Ziolkowski
Sensors 11 (9), 9109-9120, 2011
Electrically small water-based hemispherical dielectric resonator antenna
RE Jacobsen, AV Lavrinenko, S Arslanagić
Applied Sciences 9 (22), 4848, 2019
Cylindrical and spherical active coated nanoparticles as nanoantennas: Active nanoparticles as nanoantennas
S Arslanagic, RW Ziolkowski
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 59 (6), 14-29, 2017
Jamming of quantum emitters by active coated nanoparticles
S Arslanagić, RW Ziolkowski
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 19 (3), 4800506-4800506, 2013
Directive properties of active coated nano-particles
S Arslanagic, W Ziolkowski
Advanced Electromagnetics 1 (1), 57-64, 2012
Open-geometry modal method based on transverse electric and transverse magnetic mode expansion for orthogonal curvilinear coordinates
UM Gür, S Arslanagić, M Mattes, N Gregersen
Physical Review E 103 (3), 033301, 2021
Elliptical micropillar cavity design for highly efficient polarized emission of single photons
UM Gür, M Mattes, S Arslanagić, N Gregersen
Applied Physics Letters 118 (6), 2021
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Articles 1–20