Vinod Singhal
Vinod Singhal
Charles W. Brady Chair Professor of Operations Management, Georgia Institute of technology
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Cited by
An empirical analysis of the effect of supply chain disruptions on long‐run stock price performance and equity risk of the firm
KB Hendricks, VR Singhal
Production and Operations management 14 (1), 35-52, 2005
The effect of supply chain glitches on shareholder wealth
KB Hendricks, VR Singhal
Journal of operations Management 21 (5), 501-522, 2003
Does implementing an effective TQM program actually improve operating performance? Empirical evidence from firms that have won quality awards
KB Hendricks, VR Singhal
Management science 43 (9), 1258-1274, 1997
The impact of enterprise systems on corporate performance: A study of ERP, SCM, and CRM system implementations
KB Hendricks, VR Singhal, JK Stratman
Journal of operations management 25 (1), 65-82, 2007
An empirical investigation of environmental performance and the market value of the firm
BW Jacobs, VR Singhal, R Subramanian
Journal of operations management 28 (5), 430-441, 2010
Association between supply chain glitches and operating performance
KB Hendricks, VR Singhal
Management science 51 (5), 695-711, 2005
Firm characteristics, total quality management, and financial performance
KB Hendricks, VR Singhal
Journal of operations management 19 (3), 269-285, 2001
Quality awards and the market value of the firm: An empirical investigation
KB Hendricks, VR Singhal
Management science 42 (3), 415-436, 1996
The long-run stock price performance of firms with effective TQM programs
KB Hendricks, VR Singhal
Management science 47 (3), 359-368, 2001
The effect of operational slack, diversification, and vertical relatedness on the stock market reaction to supply chain disruptions
KB Hendricks, VR Singhal, R Zhang
Journal of operations management 27 (3), 233-246, 2009
Ten years left to redesign lithium-ion batteries
K Turcheniuk, D Bondarev, V Singhal, G Yushin
Nature 559 (7715), 467-470, 2018
Delays in new product introductions and the market value of the firm: The consequences of being late to the market
KB Hendricks, VR Singhal
Management Science 43 (4), 422-436, 1997
The effect of the Rana Plaza disaster on shareholder wealth of retailers: Implications for sourcing strategies and supply chain governance
BW Jacobs, VR Singhal
Journal of operations management 49, 52-66, 2017
Demand-supply mismatches and stock market reaction: Evidence from excess inventory announcements
KB Hendricks, VR Singhal
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 11 (3), 509-524, 2009
The effects of knowledge management on team members' ratings of project success and impact
DB Fedor, S Ghosh, SD Caldwell, TJ Maurer, VR Singhal
Decision Sciences 34 (3), 513-539, 2003
Stock market reaction to supply chain disruptions from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
KB Hendricks, BW Jacobs, VR Singhal
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 22 (4), 683-699, 2020
The effect of product introduction delays on operating performance
KB Hendricks, VR Singhal
Management Science 54 (5), 878-892, 2008
Don't count TQM out
KB Hendricks, VR Singhal
Quality Control and Applied Statistics 44, 259-260, 1999
An empirical investigation on the appointments of supply chain and operations management executives
KB Hendricks, M Hora, VR Singhal
Management Science 61 (7), 1562-1583, 2015
Supply chain integration and shareholder value: Evidence from consortium based industry exchanges
S Mitra, V Singhal
Journal of Operations Management 26 (1), 96-114, 2008
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20