Dmitry Dubovikoff
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Cited by
Banning paraphylies and executing Linnaean taxonomy is discordant and reduces the evolutionary and semantic information content of biological nomenclature
B Seifert, A Buschinger, A Aldawood, V Antonova, H Bharti, L Borowiec, ...
Insectes Sociaux 63, 237-242, 2016
Family Formicidae–Ants
DA Dubovikoff, ZM Yusupov
Annotated Catalogue of the Hymenoptera of Russia. Proceedings of the …, 2018
Uncovering species boundaries in the Neotropical ant complex Ectatomma ruidum (Ectatomminae) under the presence of nuclear mitochondrial paralogues
RG Aguilar-Velasco, C Poteaux, R Meza-Lázaro, JP Lachaud, ...
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 178 (2), 226-240, 2016
Adaptive latitudinal variation of the duration and thermal requirements for development in the ground beetle Amara communis (Panz.) (Coleoptera, Carabidae)
EB Lopatina, VE Kipyatkov, SV Balashov, DA Dubovikoff, IV Sokolova
Entomological Review 92, 135-145, 2012
A new enigmatic ant genus from late Eocene Danish Amber and its evolutionary and zoogeographic significance
G Dlussky, A Radchenko
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 59 (4), 931-939, 2013
Formicidae (Hymenoptera) del estado de Tamaulipas, México
JM Coronado-Blanco, DA Duboyikoff, E Ruíz-Cancino, ...
CienciaUAT 7 (2), 12-17, 2013
The system of taxon Bothriomyrmex Emery, 1869 sensu lato (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and relatives genera
DA Dubovikoff
Состав, эколого-географическая характеристика и основные этапы истории фауны муравьев (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Кавказского перешейка
ДА Дубовиков
On a small collection of spiders (Aranei) from the Astrakhan Reserve (Russia)
AV Ponomarev, VV Bastaev, DA Dubovikoff, VY Shmatko
Arthropoda Selecta 27 (3), 244-256, 2018
A New Species of the Genus Protaneuretus Wheeler (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Bitterfeld Amber (Late Eocene), with a Key to the Species of the Genus
DA Dubovikoff, GM Dlussky, EE Perkovsky, EV Abakumov
Paleontological Journal 54, 389-391, 2020
Dolichoderinae ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the European Late Eocene ambers and its relation with modern fauna
DA Dubovikoff
Recursos Naturales 2012, 166-178, 2012
A new species of the genus Bothriomyrmex Emery, 1869 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Dolichoderinae) from Costa Rica
DA Dubovikoff, JT Longino
Zootaxa 776 (1), 1-10, 2004
The first record of the genus Pheidole Westwood, 1839 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Baltic amber
DA Dubovikoff
Russian Entomological Journal 20 (3), 255-257, 2011
Yantaromyrmex gen. n. – a new ant genus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Late Eocene ambers of Europe
GM Dlussky, DA Dubovikoff
Кавказский энтомологический бюллетень 9 (2), 305-314, 2013
First larvae of Raphidioptera from Eocene Sakhalinian and Rovno ambers.
VN Makarkin, EE Perkovsky, LN Anisyutkin, DA Dubovikoff
Zootaxa 5219 (5), 456-466, 2022
A New Species of the Genus Eldermyrmex Shattuck, 2011 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Bitterfeld Amber (Late Eocene) with Species Key of the Genus
DA Dubovikoff, GM Dlussky, EE Perkovsky, EV Abakumov
Paleontological Journal 53, 994-997, 2019
Miocene ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Crimea
KS Perfilieva, DA Dubovikoff, GM Dlussky
Paleontological Journal 51, 391-401, 2017
Braconid parasitoids of ants (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Euphorinae, Neoneurini) from Baltic amber with a discussion of records of fossil larvae parasitizing ant workers
SA Belokobylskij, DA Dubovikoff, AR Manukyan, DM Zharkov
Journal of Hymenoptera Research 84, 29-43, 2021
Annotated catalogue of the Hymenoptera of Russia
AV Antropov, YV Astafurova, SA Belokobylskij, AM Byvaltsev, YN Danilov, ...
Volume I. Symphyta and Apocrita: Aculeata. Saint Petersburg, 2017
A new species of the genus Gesomyrmex Mayr, 1868 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Vietnam
DA Dubovikoff
Труды Русского энтомологического общества 75, 219-221, 2004
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Articles 1–20