Yifan Pei
Yifan Pei
Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change
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Cited by
A sex-chromosome inversion causes strong overdominance for sperm traits that affect siring success
U Knief, W Forstmeier, Y Pei, M Ihle, D Wang, K Martin, P Opatová, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 1 (8), 1177-1184, 2017
Machine learning reveals cryptic dialects that explain mate choice in a songbird
D Wang, W Forstmeier, DR Farine, AA Maldonado-Chaparro, K Martin, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 1630, 2022
Occasional paternal inheritance of the germline-restricted chromosome in songbirds
Y Pei, W Forstmeier, FJ Ruiz-Ruano, JC Mueller, J Cabrero, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (4), e2103960119, 2022
Proximate causes of infertility and embryo mortality in captive zebra finches
Y Pei, W Forstmeier, D Wang, K Martin, J Rutkowska, B Kempenaers
The American Naturalist 196 (5), 577-596, 2020
Mendelian nightmares: the germline-restricted chromosome of songbirds
P Borodin, A Chen, W Forstmeier, S Fouché, L Malinovskaya, Y Pei, ...
Chromosome Research 30 (2), 255-272, 2022
Interference competition pressure predicts the number of avian predators that shifted their timing of activity
Y Pei, M Valcu, B Kempenaers
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285 (1880), 20180744, 2018
Offspring performance is well buffered against stress experienced by ancestors
Y Pei, W Forstmeier, B Kempenaers
Evolution 74 (7), 1525-1539, 2020
Micro germline-restricted chromosome in blue tits: evidence for meiotic functions
JC Mueller, SA Schlebusch, Y Pei, M Poignet, N Vontzou, FJ Ruiz-Ruano, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 40 (5), msad096, 2023
Machine learning reveals cryptic dialects that guide mate choice in a songbird
D Wang, W Forstmeier, D Farine, AA Maldonado-Chaparro, K Martin, ...
BioRxiv, 2021.02. 08.430277, 2021
Songbird germline-restricted chromosome as a potential arena of genetic conflicts
N Vontzou, Y Pei, JC Mueller, R Reifová, FJ Ruiz-Ruano, SA Schlebusch, ...
Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 83, 102113, 2023
Weak antagonistic fitness effects can maintain an inversion polymorphism
Y Pei, W Forstmeier, U Knief, B Kempenaers
Molecular Ecology 32 (13), 3575-3585, 2023
Teaching transposon classification as a means to crowd source the curation of repeat annotation–a tardigrade perspective
V Peona, J Martelossi, D Almojil, J Bocharkina, I Brännström, M Brown, ...
Mobile DNA 15 (1), 10, 2024
Spatial and temporal resource partitioning in a mixed‐species colony of avian echolocators
KR Sadanandan, HZ Tan, HY Lim, YG Tan, G Lee, L Chan, Y Pei, ...
Ecology and Evolution 13 (2), e9805, 2023
A test for meiotic drive in hybrids between Australian and Timor zebra finches
U Knief, W Forstmeier, Y Pei, J Wolf, B Kempenaers
Ecology and Evolution 10 (23), 13464-13475, 2020
Overdominance effects of a microchromosomal inversion on multiple fitness components in the zebra finch
Y Pei, W Forstmeier, A Suh, AM Dion-Côté, U Knief, JBW Wolf, ...
Evolutionary genetics of reproductive performance in the zebra finch, 91, 2021
Visual cues in species recognition learning and the role of experience with heterospecifics
Y Pei, J Zhang, K Martin, W Forstmeier, B Kempenaers
OSF, 2023
Evolutionary genetics of reproductive performance in the zebra finch
Y Pei
lmu, 2022
Maintaining an inversion polymorphism by antagonistic effects on fitness
Y Pei, W Forstmeier, U Knief, B Kempenaers
Evolutionary genetics of reproductive performance in the zebra finch, 135, 2021
Occasional paternal inheritance of the germline restricted chromosome
Y Pei, W Forstmeier, FJ Ruiz-Ruano, JC Mueller, J Cabrero, ...
Evolutionary genetics of reproductive performance in the zebra finch, 163, 2021
Perceived beauty as a by-product of a categorizing mind?
W Forstmeier, H Milewski, Y Pei
OSF, 2021
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Articles 1–20