Yongyong Zhang(张勇勇)
Yongyong Zhang(张勇勇)
Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Cited by
Energy exchange and evapotranspiration over irrigated seed maize agroecosystems in a desert-oasis region, northwest China
Y Zhang, W Zhao, J He, K Zhang
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 223, 48-59, 2016
Vegetation and soil property response of short-time fencing in temperate desert of the Hexi Corridor, northwestern China
Y Zhang, W Zhao
Catena 133, 43-51, 2015
Soil macropore characteristics following conversion of native desert soils to irrigated croplands in a desert-oasis ecotone, Northwest China
Y Zhang, W Zhao, L Fu
Soil and Tillage Research 168, 176-186, 2017
Soil susceptibility to macropore flow across a desert‐oasis ecotone of the Hexi corridor, Northwest China
Y Zhang, W Zhao, J He, L Fu
Water Resources Research 54 (2), 1281-1294, 2018
Land use conversion influences soil respiration across a desert-oasis ecoregion in Northwest China, with consideration of cold season CO2 efflux and its significance
Y Zhang, W Zhao, L Fu, C Zhao, A Jia
Catena 188, 104460, 2020
Changes in species diversity, aboveground biomass, and vegetation cover along an afforestation successional gradient in a semiarid desert steppe of China
B Liu, W Zhao, Z Liu, Y Yang, W Luo, H Zhou, Y Zhang
Ecological Engineering 81, 301-311, 2015
Simulation of soil water dynamics for uncropped ridges and furrows under irrigation conditions
Y Zhang, P Wu, X Zhao, Z Wang
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 93 (1), 85-98, 2013
The change in net ecosystem productivity and its driving mechanism in a mountain ecosystem of arid regions, Northwest China
C Wang, W Zhao, Y Zhang
Remote Sensing 14 (16), 4046, 2022
Contribution of soil macropores to water infiltration across different land use types in a desert–oasis ecoregion
Y Zhang, W Zhao, X Li, A Jia, W Kang
Land Degradation & Development 32 (4), 1751-1760, 2021
Evaluation and modelling of furrow infiltration for uncropped ridge–furrow tillage in Loess Plateau soils
Y Zhang, P Wu, X Zhao, P Li
Soil Research 50 (5), 360-370, 2012
Estimating deep drainage using deep soil moisture data under young irrigated cropland in a desert‐oasis ecotone, Northwest China
Y Zhang, W Zhao, TE Ochsner, BM Wyatt, H Liu, Q Yang
Vadose Zone Journal 18 (1), 1-10, 2019
黑河中游荒漠绿洲区免灌植被土壤水分状况 Ξ
常学向, 赵爱芬, 赵文智, 陈怀顺
水土保持学报 17 (2), 2003
Soil wetting patterns and water distribution as affected by irrigation for uncropped ridges and furrows
YY Zhang, Z Xi-Ning, WU Pu-Te
Pedosphere 25 (3), 468-477, 2015
Recalibration of sensors in one of the world's longest running automated soil moisture monitoring networks
Y Zhang, TE Ochsner, CA Fiebrich, BG Illston
Soil Science Society of America Journal 83 (4), 1003-1011, 2019
Effects of variability in land surface characteristics on the summer radiation budget across desert-oasis region in Northwestern China
Y Zhang, W Zhao
Theoretical and applied climatology 119, 771-780, 2015
Multiple sources characteristics of root water uptake of crop under oasis farmlands in hyper-arid regions
Y Zhang, S Wu, W Kang, Z Tian
Agricultural Water Management 271, 107814, 2022
Development of a new pedotransfer function addressing limitations in soil hydraulic models and observations
Y Wang, J Zhou, R Ma, G Zhu, Y Zhang
Water Resources Research 58 (6), e2021WR031406, 2022
Water and nitrogen distribution in uncropped ridgetilled soil under different ridge width
X Chen, X Zhao, P Wu, Z Wang, F Zhang, Y Zhang
African Journal of Biotechnology 10 (55), 11527-11536, 2011
闫加亮, 赵文智, 张勇勇
应用生态学报 26 (5), 1454, 2015
Characteristics of soil moisture of different vegetation types in initial stage of fixed sand dune of semi-arid region
何志斌, 赵文智
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 164-167, 2003
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Articles 1–20