Katherine Woolf
Cited by
Cited by
Culture and health
AD Napier, C Ancarno, B Butler, J Calabrese, A Chater, H Chatterjee, ...
The Lancet 384 (9954), 1607-1639, 2014
Ethnicity and academic performance in UK trained doctors and medical students: systematic review and meta-analysis
K Woolf, HWW Potts, IC McManus
Bmj 342, 2011
‘You can't be a person and a doctor’: the work–life balance of doctors in training—a qualitative study
A Rich, R Viney, S Needleman, A Griffin, K Woolf
BMJ open 6 (12), e013897, 2016
Ethnic differences in SARS-CoV-2 vaccine hesitancy in United Kingdom healthcare workers: Results from the UK-REACH prospective nationwide cohort study
K Woolf, IC McManus, CA Martin, LB Nellums, AL Guyatt, C Melbourne, ...
The Lancet Regional Health–Europe 9, 2021
Easing the transition from student to doctor: how can medical schools help prepare their graduates for starting work?
J Cave, K Woolf, A Jones, J Dacre
Medical teacher 31 (5), 403-408, 2009
Ethnic stereotypes and the underachievement of UK medical students from ethnic minorities: qualitative study
K Woolf, J Cave, T Greenhalgh, J Dacre
Bmj 337, 2008
The Academic Backbone: longitudinal continuities in educational achievement from secondary school and medical school to MRCP (UK) and the specialist register in UK medical …
IC McManus, K Woolf, J Dacre, E Paice, C Dewberry
BMC medicine 11, 1-27, 2013
Newly qualified doctors' views about whether their medical school had trained them well: questionnaire surveys
J Cave, M Goldacre, T Lambert, K Woolf, A Jones, J Dacre
BMC Medical Education 7, 1-6, 2007
Perceived causes of differential attainment in UK postgraduate medical training: a national qualitative study
K Woolf, A Rich, R Viney, S Needleman, A Griffin
BMJ open 6 (11), e013429, 2016
The mediators of minority ethnic underperformance in final medical school examinations
K Woolf, IC McManus, HWW Potts, J Dacre
British Journal of Educational Psychology 83 (1), 135-159, 2013
The hidden medical school: a longitudinal study of how social networks form, and how they relate to academic performance
K Woolf, HWW Potts, S Patel, IC MCManus
Medical teacher 34 (7), 577-586, 2012
Construct-level predictive validity of educational attainment and intellectual aptitude tests in medical student selection: meta-regression of six UK longitudinal studies
IC McManus, C Dewberry, S Nicholson, JS Dowell, K Woolf, HWW Potts
BMC medicine 11, 1-21, 2013
'It gives you an understanding you can't get from any book.'The relationship between medical students' and doctors' personal illness experiences and their performance: a …
K Woolf, J Cave, IC McManus, JE Dacre
BMC medical education 7, 1-8, 2007
Social network analysis in medical education
R Isba, K Woolf, R Hanneman
Medical education 51 (1), 81-88, 2017
Exploring the underperformance of male and minority ethnic medical students in first year clinical examinations
K Woolf, I Haq, IC McManus, J Higham, J Dacre
Advances in Health Sciences Education 13, 607-616, 2008
Medical student teaching in the UK: how well are newly qualified doctors prepared for their role caring for patients with cancer in hospital?
J Cave, K Woolf, J Dacre, HWW Potts, A Jones
British Journal of Cancer 97 (4), 472-478, 2007
Differential attainment in medical education and training
K Woolf
BMJ 368 (m339), 2020
Sex differences in medico-legal action against doctors: a systematic review and meta-analysis
E Unwin, K Woolf, C Wadlow, HWW Potts, J Dacre
BMC medicine 13, 1-14, 2015
Risk factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection in a multiethnic cohort of United Kingdom healthcare workers (UK-REACH): A cross-sectional analysis
CA Martin, D Pan, C Melbourne, L Teece, A Aujayeb, RF Baggaley, ...
PLoS medicine 19 (5), e1004015, 2022
Without proper research funding, how can medical education be evidence based?
J Archer, C McManus, K Woolf, L Monrouxe, J Illing, A Bullock, T Roberts
BMJ 350, 2015
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Articles 1–20