Thomas C. Omer
Thomas C. Omer
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Cited by
Exploring the term of the auditor‐client relationship and the quality of earnings: A case for mandatory auditor rotation?
JN Myers, LA Myers, TC Omer
The accounting review 78 (3), 779-799, 2003
The impact of religion on financial reporting irregularities
ST McGuire, TC Omer, NY Sharp
The Accounting Review 87 (2), 645-673, 2012
Business strategy, financial reporting irregularities, and audit effort
KA Bentley, TC Omer, NY Sharp
Contemporary accounting research 30 (2), 780-817, 2013
Tax avoidance: Does tax-specific industry expertise make a difference?
ST McGuire, TC Omer, D Wang
The accounting review 87 (3), 975-1003, 2012
The influence of a firm's business strategy on its tax aggressiveness
D Higgins, TC Omer, JD Phillips
Contemporary Accounting Research 32 (2), 674-702, 2015
Understanding audit quality: Insights from audit professionals and investors
BE Christensen, SM Glover, TC Omer, MK Shelley
Contemporary Accounting Research 33 (4), 1648-1684, 2016
Firms' responses to anticipated reductions in tax rates: The Tax Reform Act of 1986
MS Scholes, GP Wilson, MA Wolfson
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1992
Does company reputation matter for financial reporting quality? Evidence from restatements
Y Cao, LA Myers, TC Omer
Contemporary Accounting Research 29 (3), 956-990, 2012
Product market power and tax avoidance: Market leaders, mimicking strategies, and stock returns
TR Kubick, DP Lynch, MA Mayberry, TC Omer
The Accounting Review 90 (2), 675-702, 2015
The effects of regulatory scrutiny on tax avoidance: An examination of SEC comment letters
TR Kubick, DP Lynch, MA Mayberry, TC Omer
The Accounting Review 91 (6), 1751-1780, 2016
Earnings management through effective tax rates: The effects of tax planning investment and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
KA Cook, GR Huston, TC Omer
Contemporary Accounting Research 25 (2), 2008
Company reputation and the cost of equity capital
Y Cao, JN Myers, LA Myers, TC Omer
Review of Accounting Studies 20, 42-81, 2015
The effects of audit partner pre-client and client-specific experience on audit quality and on perceptions of audit quality
W Chi, LA Myers, TC Omer, H Xie
Review of Accounting Studies 22, 361-391, 2017
An investigation of the firm size—effective tax rate relation in the 1980s
TC Omer, KH Molloy, DA Ziebart
Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance 8 (2), 167-182, 1993
Auditor‐provided tax services: The effects of a changing regulatory environment
TC Omer, JC Bedard, D Falsetta
The Accounting Review 81 (5), 1095-1117, 2006
Tax avoidance and ex ante cost of capital
KA Cook, WJ Moser, TC Omer
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 44 (7-8), 1109-1136, 2017
Does business strategy impact a firm’s information environment?
KA Bentley-Goode, TC Omer, BJ Twedt
Journal of accounting, auditing & finance 34 (4), 563-587, 2019
Measurement of Effective Corporate Tax Rates Using Financial Statement Information.
TC Omer, KH Molloy, DA Ziebart
Journal of the American Taxation Association 13 (1), 1991
The effect of corporate governance on auditor-client realignments
CA Cassell, GA Giroux, LA Myers, TC Omer
Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 31 (2), 167-188, 2012
Assessing tax risk: Practitioner perspectives
SS Neuman, TC Omer, AP Schmidt
Contemporary Accounting Research 37 (3), 1788-1827, 2020
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