Jian Du
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Cited by
A simple package for front tracking
J Du, B Fix, J Glimm, X Jia, X Li, Y Li, L Wu
Journal of Computational Physics 213 (2), 613-628, 2006
A numerical algorithm for MHD of free surface flows at low magnetic Reynolds numbers
R Samulyak, J Du, J Glimm, Z Xu
Journal of Computational Physics 226 (2), 1532-1549, 2007
Low-Reynolds-number swimming in viscous two-phase fluids
J Du, JP Keener, RD Guy, AL Fogelson
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (3 …, 2012
Clot permeability, agonist transport, and platelet binding kinetics in arterial thrombosis
J Du, D Kim, G Alhawael, DN Ku, AL Fogelson
Biophysical journal 119 (10), 2102-2115, 2020
A two-phase mixture model of platelet aggregation
J Du, AL Fogelson
Mathematical medicine and biology: a journal of the IMA 35 (2), 225-256, 2018
An immersed boundary method for two-fluid mixtures
J Du, RD Guy, AL Fogelson
Journal of computational physics 262, 231-243, 2014
A high-resolution finite-difference method for simulating two-fluid, viscoelastic gel dynamics
GB Wright, RD Guy, J Du, AL Fogelson
Journal of non-newtonian fluid mechanics 166 (19-20), 1137-1157, 2011
Computational investigation of platelet thrombus mechanics and stability in stenotic channels
J Du, E Aspray, A Fogelson
Journal of Biomechanics 122, 110398, 2021
An interface-capturing regularization method for solving the equations for two-fluid mixtures
J Du, RD Guy, AL Fogelson, GB Wright, JP Keener
Communications in Computational Physics 14 (5), 1322-1346, 2013
Recent progress in the stochastic analysis of turbulent mixing
W Bo, B Cheng, J Du, B Fix, E George, J Glimm, JW Grove, X Jia, H Jin, ...
Contemporary Mathematics 429, 33, 2007
Evolution of interfaces for the nonlinear double degenerate parabolic equation of turbulent filtration with absorption
UG Abdulla, J Du, A Prinkey, C Ondracek, S Parimoo
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 153, 59-82, 2018
A computational framework for the swelling dynamics of mucin-like polyelectrolyte gels
J Du, BM Nagda, OL Lewis, DB Szyld, AL Fogelson
Journal of non-Newtonian fluid mechanics 313, 104989, 2023
Modeling and simulation of the ion-binding-mediated swelling dynamics of mucin-like polyelectrolyte gels
J Du, OL Lewis, JP Keener, AL Fogelson
Gels 7 (4), 244, 2021
A numerical algorithm for magnetohydrodynamics of ablated materials
T Lu, J Du, R Samulyak
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 8 (7), 3674-3685, 2008
A Cartesian grid method for two‐phase gel dynamics on an irregular domain
J Du, AL Fogelson
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 67 (12), 1799-1817, 2011
Low Reynolds number swimming near interfaces in multi-fluid media
A Cartwright, J Du
Applied Sciences 11 (19), 9109, 2021
A computational investigation of occlusive arterial thrombosis
J Du, AL Fogelson
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 23 (1), 157-178, 2024
Deswelling Dynamics of Chemically-Active Polyelectrolyte Gels
BM Nagda, J Du, OL Lewis, AL Fogelson
International Conference on Computational Science, 332-346, 2023
Enhancement of Active Swimming near Fluid Interfaces
A Cartwright, J Du
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2224 (1), 012034, 2022
Stabilization of Platelet Aggregates in High Shear Rate Flows by Von Willebrand Factor
K Patel, J Du, A Fogelson
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, L05. 010, 2024
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Articles 1–20