Antti Belinskij
Antti Belinskij
Professor of Environmental Law, University of Eastern Finland and Finnish Environment Institute SYKE
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Cited by
A comparative tournament analysis between the EURO 1996 and 2000 in soccer
P Luhtanen, A Belinskij, M Häyrinen, T Vänttinen
international Journal of performance Analysis in sport 1 (1), 74-82, 2001
Governing complexity: Integrating science, governance, and law to manage accelerating change in the globalized commons
B Cosens, JB Ruhl, N Soininen, L Gunderson, A Belinskij, T Blenckner, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (36), e2102798118, 2021
Severe drought in Finland: Modeling effects on water resources and assessing climate change impacts
N Veijalainen, L Ahopelto, M Marttunen, J Jääskeläinen, R Britschgi, ...
Sustainability 11 (8), 2450, 2019
Water-energy-food nexus within the framework of international water law
A Belinskij
Water 7 (10), 5396-5415, 2015
Bringing back ecological flows: migratory fish, hydropower and legal maladaptivity in the governance of Finnish rivers
N Soininen, A Belinskij, A Vainikka, H Huuskonen
Legal Perspectives on Bridging Science and Policy, 67-82, 2020
Too important to fail? Evaluating legal adaptive capacity for increasing coastal and marine aquaculture production in EU-Finland
N Soininen, A Belinskij, J Similä, R Kortet
Marine Policy 110, 103498, 2019
A brake or an accelerator? The role of law in sustainability transitions
N Soininen, S Romppanen, K Huhta, A Belinskij
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 41, 71-73, 2021
Tietotaso ja kokemukset ekologisesta kompensaatiosta Suomessa
M Pekkonen, T Ryttäri, A Belinskij, S Koljonen, H Mykrä, K Kostamo, ...
ympäristöministeriö, 2020
From top–down regulation to bottom–up solutions: Reconfiguring governance of agricultural nutrient loading to waters
A Belinskij, A Iho, T Paloniitty, N Soininen
Sustainability 11 (19), 5364, 2019
Framing the peat: the political ecology of Finnish mire policies and law
O Ratamäki, P Jokinen, E Albrecht, A Belinskij
Mires and Peat 24, 17, 2019
Achieving blue growth post-Weser: a study of aquaculture regulation in the Nordic region
J Kyrönviita, D Langlet, N Soininen, A Belinskij, S Kymenvaara, EM Basse
Journal for European environmental & planning law 18 (3), 256-274, 2021
Ympäristöllisten lupien muuttaminen vesienhoidon ympäristötavoitteiden perusteella
A Belinskij, M Hepola, E Hollo, J Kauppila, M Mäenpää, T Määttä, ...
Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja 2672019, 2019
Vesihuoltolakiopas 2015
A Belinskij
Maa-ja metsätalousministeriö 5 (2015), 50, 2015
Variations on the same theme: Environmental objectives of the Water Framework Directive in environmental permitting in the Nordic countries
S Kymenvaara, L Baaner, HT Anker, L Leino, A Belinskij
Review of European, comparative & international environmental law 28 (2 …, 2019
Tulkinnan arvosidonnaisuus ympäristöoikeudessa
A Belinskij, T Paloniitty, N Soininen
Lakimies 113 (5), 613-633, 2015
Cooperation between Finland and the Russian Federation
A Belinskij
The UNECE Convention on the Protection and use of Transboundary Watercourses …, 2015
Yhteistoiminnallisuus ympäristöoikeudellisissa suunnittelumenettelyissä
A Heinilä, I Pölönen, A Belinskij
Ympäristöpolitiikan ja-oikeuden vuosikirja 14 (2021), 49-116, 2021
Obligations arising from the right to water in Finland and South Africa
A Belinskij, LJ Kotzé
Aquatic Procedia 6, 30-38, 2016
Water governance for water security: analysing institutional strengths and challenges in Finland
L Ahopelto, S Sojamo, A Belinskij, N Soininen, M Keskinen
International Journal of Water Resources Development 40 (2), 153-173, 2024
Ajat ovat muuttumassa–ympäristöperusoikeuden evoluutio vesivoimalupien pysyvyyden näkökulmasta
M Hepola, A Belinskij, T Määttä
Ympäristöjuridiikka 1–2, 2021
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Articles 1–20