Jordan Steckloff
Cited by
Cited by
Successful kinetic impact into an asteroid for planetary defence
RT Daly, CM Ernst, OS Barnouin, NL Chabot, AS Rivkin, AF Cheng, ...
Nature 616 (7957), 443-447, 2023
Ejecta from the DART-produced active asteroid Dimorphos
JY Li, M Hirabayashi, TL Farnham, JM Sunshine, MM Knight, G Tancredi, ...
Nature 616 (7957), 452-456, 2023
Fission and reconfiguration of bilobate comets as revealed by 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko
M Hirabayashi, DJ Scheeres, SR Chesley, S Marchi, JW McMahon, ...
Nature 534 (7607), 352-355, 2016
Reorientation and faulting of Pluto due to volatile loading within Sputnik Planitia
JT Keane, I Matsuyama, S Kamata, JK Steckloff
Nature 540 (7631), 90-93, 2016
29P/Schwassmann–Wachmann 1, a centaur in the gateway to the Jupiter-family comets
G Sarid, K Volk, JK Steckloff, W Harris, M Womack, LM Woodney
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 883 (1), L25, 2019
Vigorous convection as the explanation for Pluto’s polygonal terrain
AJ Trowbridge, HJ Melosh, JK Steckloff, AM Freed
Nature 534 (7605), 79-81, 2016
The science of sungrazers, sunskirters, and other near-sun comets
GH Jones, MM Knight, K Battams, DC Boice, J Brown, S Giordano, ...
Space Science Reviews 214, 1-86, 2018
Dynamic sublimation pressure and the catastrophic breakup of Comet ISON
JK Steckloff, BC Johnson, T Bowling, HJ Melosh, D Minton, CM Lisse, ...
Icarus 258, 430-437, 2015
On the origin & thermal stability of Arrokoth's and Pluto's ices
CM Lisse, LA Young, DP Cruikshank, SA Sandford, B Schmitt, SA Stern, ...
Icarus 356, 114072, 2021
The formation of striae within cometary dust tails by a sublimation-driven YORP-like effect
JK Steckloff, SA Jacobson
Icarus 264, 160-171, 2016
Titan: Earth-like on the outside, ocean world on the inside
SM MacKenzie, SPD Birch, S Hörst, C Sotin, E Barth, JM Lora, MG Trainer, ...
The Planetary Science Journal 2 (3), 112, 2021
Rotationally induced surface slope-instabilities and the activation of CO2 activity on comet 103P/Hartley 2
JK Steckloff, K Graves, M Hirabayashi, HJ Melosh, JE Richardson
Icarus 272, 60-69, 2016
The sublimative evolution of (486958) Arrokoth
JK Steckloff, CM Lisse, TK Safrit, AS Bosh, W Lyra, G Sarid
Icarus 356, 113998, 2021
Impact-produced seismic shaking and regolith growth on asteroids 433 Eros, 2867 Šteins, and 25143 Itokawa
JE Richardson, JK Steckloff, DA Minton
Icarus 347, 113811, 2020
The Hamburg meteorite fall: Fireball trajectory, orbit, and dynamics
PG Brown, D Vida, DE Moser, M Granvik, WJ Koshak, D Chu, J Steckloff, ...
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 54 (9), 2027-2045, 2019
The sublimative torques of Jupiter Family Comets and mass wasting events on their nuclei
JK Steckloff, NH Samarasinha
Icarus 312, 172-180, 2018
A predicted dearth of majority hypervolatile ices in Oort cloud comets
CM Lisse, GR Gladstone, LA Young, DP Cruikshank, SA Sandford, ...
The Planetary Science Journal 3 (5), 112, 2022
P/2019 LD2 (ATLAS): an active centaur in imminent transition to the Jupiter family
JK Steckloff, G Sarid, K Volk, T Kareta, M Womack, W Harris, L Woodney, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 904 (2), L20, 2020
How sublimation delays the onset of dusty debris disk formation around white dwarf stars
JK Steckloff, J Debes, A Steele, B Johnson, ER Adams, SA Jacobson, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 913 (2), L31, 2021
Thermal alteration of labile elements in carbonaceous chondrites
A Springmann, DS Lauretta, B Klaue, YS Goreva, JD Blum, A Andronikov, ...
Icarus 324, 104-119, 2019
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Articles 1–20