Özgür Avşar
Özgür Avşar
Dept. of Civil Engineering, Eskişehir Technical University
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Analytical fragility curves for ordinary highway bridges in Turkey
Ö Avşar, A Yakut, A Caner
Earthquake Spectra 27 (4), 971-996, 2011
Strengthening of substandard reinforced concrete beam-column joints by external post-tension rods
Ö Yurdakul, Ö Avşar
Engineering Structures 107, 9-22, 2016
Response of seismic-isolated bridges in relation to intensity measures of ordinary and pulselike ground motions
Ö Avşar, G Özdemir
Journal of Bridge Engineering 18 (3), 250-260, 2013
Change in response of bridges isolated with LRBs due to lead core heating
G Ozdemir, O Avsar, B Bayhan
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 31 (7), 921-929, 2011
Effectiveness of seismic retrofitting of a historical masonry structure: Kütahya Kurşunlu Mosque, Turkey
A Aşıkoğlu, Ö Avşar, PB Lourenço, LC Silva
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 17, 3365-3395, 2019
Structural repairing of damaged reinforced concrete beam-column assemblies with CFRPs
O Yurdakul, O Avsar
Structural Engineering and Mechanics 54 (3), 521-543, 2015
Service life assessment of existing highway bridges with no planned regular inspections
A Caner, AM Yanmaz, A Yakut, O Avsar, T Yilmaz
Journal of performance of constructed facilities 22 (2), 108-114, 2008
Field reconnaissance on seismic performance of RC buildings after the January 24, 2020 Elazığ-Sivrice earthquake
Ö Yurdakul, B Duran, O Tunaboyu, Ö Avşar
Natural Hazards 105 (1), 859-887, 2021
Optimum design of seismic isolation systems using metaheuristic search methods
AE Çerçevik, Ö Avşar, O Hasançebi
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 131, 106012, 2020
Structural damages of the May 19, 2011, Kütahya–Simav earthquake in Turkey
N Yılmaz, Ö Avşar
Natural hazards 69, 981-1001, 2013
Retrofit of non-seismically designed beam-column joints by post-tensioned superelastic shape memory alloy bars
Ö Yurdakul, O Tunaboyu, Ö Avşar
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16, 5279-5307, 2018
Fragility Based Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Ordinary Highway Bridges In Turkey
Ö Avsar
Middle East Technical University, Turkey, 2009
Effective flexural rigidities for ordinary reinforced concrete columns and beams
Ö Avşar, B Bayhan, A Yakut
The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings 23 (6), 463-482, 2014
In-depth investigation of seismic vulnerability of an aging river bridge exposed to scour
Ö Avşar, B Atak, A Caner
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 31 (5), 04017044, 2017
Determination of elasticity modulus of low strength concrete and its effect on the risk assessment results by DSVB
B Duran, O Tunaboyu, Ö Avşar
Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 32 (1), 2017
Seismic repair of captive-column damage with CFRPs in substandard RC frames
O Tunaboyu, O Avsar
Structural engineering and mechanics: An international journal 61 (1), 1-13, 2017
Influence of structural walls on the seismic performance of RC buildings during the May 19, 2011 Simav Earthquake in Turkey
Ö Avşar, O Tunaboyu
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 28 (4), 04014016, 2014
Seismic failure analysis of concrete bridges exposed to scour
A Zaky, O Özcan, Ö Avşar
Engineering Failure Analysis 115, 104617, 2020
Investigation of drift-based damage limit states for historical masonry structures
A Aşıkoğlu, Ö Avşar
International Journal of Architectural Heritage 17 (9), 1571-1589, 2023
Structural failure evaluation of a substandard RC building due to basement story short-column damage
B Duran, O Tunaboyu, Ö Avşar
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 34 (4), 04020053, 2020
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Articles 1–20