Falko Buschke
Falko Buschke
Independent biodiversity scientist
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Disturbance regime alters the impact of dispersal on alpha and beta diversity in a natural metacommunity
B Vanschoenwinkel, F Buschke, L Brendonck
Ecology 94 (11), 2547-2557, 2013
Navigating spaces between conservation research and practice: Are we making progress?
RM Jarvis, SB Borrelle, NJ Forsdick, KV Pérez‐Hämmerle, NS Dubois, ...
Ecological Solutions and Evidence 1 (2), e12028, 2020
Climate change jeopardizes the persistence of freshwater zooplankton by reducing both habitat suitability and demographic resilience
T Pinceel, F Buschke, M Weckx, L Brendonck, B Vanschoenwinkel
BMC ecology 18, 1-9, 2018
Post‐normal conservation science fills the space between research, policy, and implementation
FT Buschke, EA Botts, SP Sinclair
Conservation Science and Practice 1 (8), e73, 2019
Random population fluctuations bias the Living Planet Index
FT Buschke, JG Hagan, L Santini, BWT Coetzee
Nature Ecology & Evolution 5 (8), 1145-1152, 2021
Ecosystem services and ecological degradation of communal wetlands in a South African biodiversity hotspot
A Owethu Pantshwa, FT Buschke
Royal Society open science 6 (6), 181770, 2019
Modelling the sensitivity of life history traits to climate change in a temporary pool crustacean
T Pinceel, B Vanschoenwinkel, L Brendonck, F Buschke
Scientific reports 6 (1), 29451, 2016
Functional feeding groups as a taxonomic surrogate for a grassland arthropod assemblage
FT Buschke, MT Seaman
African Invertebrates 52 (1), 217-228, 2011
Partitioning the variation in African vertebrate distributions into environmental and spatial components–exploring the link between ecology and biogeography
FT Buschke, L De Meester, L Brendonck, B Vanschoenwinkel
Ecography 38 (5), 450-461, 2015
The conservation costs and economic benefits of using biodiversity offsets to meet international targets for protected area expansion
FT Buschke, S Brownlie, J Manuel
Oryx 53 (4), 732-740, 2019
Education for the future
B Pietrzak, A Ward, MK Cheung, BA Schwendimann, G Mollaoglu, ...
Science 360 (6396), 1409-1412, 2018
An empirical confirmation of diversified bet hedging as a survival strategy in unpredictably varying environments
T Pinceel, F Buschke, A Geerts, J Vanoverbeke, L Brendonck, ...
Ecology 102 (11), e03496, 2021
Misaligned environmental governance indicators and the mismatch between government actions and positive environmental outcomes
YP Pillay, FT Buschke
Environmental Science & Policy 112, 374-380, 2020
Adding ecological and evolutionary processes to restoration biodiversity offset models using neutral theory
FT Buschke, SP Sinclair
Diversity and Distributions 25 (9), 1351-1361, 2019
Biodiversity trajectories and the time needed to achieve no net loss through averted-loss biodiversity offsets
FT Buschke
Ecological Modelling 352, 54-57, 2017
Urbanization around an airfield alters bird community composition, but not the hazard of bird–aircraft collision
RF Jeffery, FT Buschke
Environmental Conservation, 1-8, 2019
Reduced ecological resilience jeopardizes zero loss of biodiversity using the mitigation hierarchy
F Buschke, S Brownlie
Nature Ecology & Evolution 4 (6), 815-819, 2020
Differences between regional and biogeographic species pools highlight the need for multi-scale theories in macroecology
F Buschke, L Brendonck, B Vanschoenwinkel
Frontiers of Biogeography 6 (4), 2014
Mountains and rocky outcrops as ecological refuges in a high biodiversity working landscape
FT Buschke, C Coetzer, T Pinceel, Z Mehlomakhulu, N Moreels, ...
Biological Conservation 250, 108759, 2020
Mechanisms for the inclusion of cumulative impacts in conservation decision-making are sensitive to vulnerability and irreplaceability in a stochastically simulated landscape
FT Buschke, B Vanschoenwinkel
Journal for Nature Conservation 22 (3), 265-271, 2014
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