Wojciech Borek
Wojciech Borek
Assistant Professor
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Cited by
Thermo-mechanical processing of high-manganese austenitic TWIP-type steels
A Grajcar, W Borek
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 8 (4), 29-38, 2008
Influence of the crystallization condition on Al–Si–Cu casting alloys structure
LA Dobrzański, W Borek, R Maniara
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 18 (1-2 …, 2006
Influence of hot-working conditions on a structure of high-manganese austenitic steels
LA Dobrzański, A Grajcar, W Borek
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 29 (2 …, 2008
Thermo-mechanical treatment of Fe-Mn-(Al, Si) TRIP/TWIP steels
LA Dobrzański, W Borek
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 12 (3), 299-304, 2012
Microstructure evolution of high-manganese steel during the thermomechanical processing
LA Dobrzanski, A Grajcar, W Borek
Archives of Materials Science 70, 70, 2009
Structure and properties of AlMg alloy after combination of ECAP and post-ECAP ageing
T Tański, P Snopiński, W Pakieła, W Borek, K Prusik, S Rusz
Archives of civil and mechanical engineering 16, 325-334, 2016
Microstructure evolution of C-Mn-Si-Al-Nb high-manganese steel during the thermomechanical processing
LA Dobrzański, A Grajcar, W Borek
Materials Science Forum 638, 3224-3229, 2010
Microstructure evolution and phase composition of high-manganese austenitic steels
LA Dobrzański, A Grajcar, W Borek
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 31 (2 …, 2008
Strength and structure of AlMg3 alloy after ECAP and post-ECAP processing
T Tański, P Snopiński, W Borek
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 32 (12), 1368-1374, 2017
Analysis of crystallization kinetics of cast aluminum–silicon alloy
T Tański, K Labisz, B Krupińska, M Krupiński, M Król, R Maniara, W Borek
Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 123, 63-74, 2016
Hot-rolling of advanced high-manganese C-Mn-Si-Al steels
LA Dobrzański, W Borek
Materials Science Forum 706, 2053-2058, 2012
Hot-working behaviour of high-manganese austenitic steels
LA Dobrzański, A Grajcar, W Borek
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 31 (1), 7-14, 2008
Hot deformation and recrystallization of advanced high-manganese austenitic TWIP steels
LA Dobrzański, W Borek
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 46 (1), 71-78, 2011
Effect of grain size on the microstructure and strain hardening behavior of solution heat-treated low-C high-Mn steel
M Opiela, G Fojt-Dymara, A Grajcar, W Borek
Materials 13 (7), 1489, 2020
Hot-working behaviour of advanced high-manganese C-Mn-Si-Al steels
LA Dobrzański, W Borek
Materials Science Forum 654, 266-269, 2010
Influence of hot-working conditions on a structure of X11MnSiAl17-1-3 steel for automotive industry
LA Dobrzański, M Czaja, W Borek, K Labisz, T Tański
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology 51 (3), 264-280, 2015
Influence of cooling rate on crystallisation kinetics on microstructure of cast zinc alloys
M Krupiński, B Krupińska, K Labisz, Z Rdzawski, W Borek
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 118, 1361-1367, 2014
Mechanical properties and microstructure of high-manganese TWIP, TRIP and TRIPLEX type steels
LA Dobrzański, W Borek
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 55 (2 …, 2012
High-temperature deformation behavior and microstructural characterization of high-Mn bearing titanium-based alloy
S Ebied, A Hamada, W Borek, M Gepreel, A Chiba
Materials Characterization 139, 176-185, 2018
Influence of high strain rates on the structure and mechanical properties of high‐manganes austenitic TWIP‐type steel: Einfluss hoher Dehnraten auf die Struktur und …
LA Dobrzański, W Borek, J Mazurkiewicz
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 47 (5-6), 428-435, 2016
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Articles 1–20