Philip J. Dacunto
Philip J. Dacunto
United States Military Academy
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Cited by
Real-time particle monitor calibration factors and PM 2.5 emission factors for multiple indoor sources
PJ Dacunto, KC Cheng, V Acevedo-Bolton, RT Jiang, NE Klepeis, ...
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 15 (8), 1511-1519, 2013
Determining PM 2.5 calibration curves for a low-cost particle monitor: common indoor residential aerosols
PJ Dacunto, NE Klepeis, KC Cheng, V Acevedo-Bolton, RT Jiang, ...
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 17 (11), 1959-1966, 2015
Identifying and quantifying secondhand smoke in multiunit homes with tobacco smoke odor complaints
PJ Dacunto, KC Cheng, V Acevedo-Bolton, NE Klepeis, JL Repace, ...
Atmospheric environment 71, 399-407, 2013
Identifying and quantifying secondhand smoke in source and receptor rooms: logistic regression and chemical mass balance approaches
PJ Dacunto, KC Cheng, V Acevedo‐Bolton, RT Jiang, NE Klepeis, ...
Indoor Air 24 (1), 59-70, 2014
The stability of marine sediments at a tidal basin in San Francisco Bay amended with activated carbon for sequestration of organic contaminants
JR Zimmerman, JD Bricker, C Jones, PJ Dacunto, RL Street, RG Luthy
Water Research 42 (15), 4133-4145, 2008
Identifying and quantifying secondhand smoke in source and receptor rooms using multiple measures: Logistic regression and mass balance approaches
PJ Dacunto, KC Cheng, V Acevedo-Bolton, RT Jiang, NE Klepeis, ...
Indoor Air. doi 10, 2013
A GIS-based atmospheric dispersion modeling project for introductory air pollution courses
AR Pfluger, PJ Dacunto, M Hendricks
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 24.52. 1-24.52. 15, 2014
Classroom aerosol dispersion modeling: experimental assessment of a low-cost flow simulation tool
P Dacunto, S Nam, M Hirn, A Rodriguez, M Owkes, M Benson
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 25 (12), 2157-2166, 2023
Aerosol dispersion modeling with a low-cost flow simulation tool: analysis of performance and boundary condition sensitivity
M Hirn, A Rodriguez, M Owkes, P Dacunto, A Ng, J Rogers, M Benson
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 86700 …, 2022
Leveraging a board of advisors for continuous interaction and improvement: Study of US military academy’s environmental engineering major
MA Butkus, AR Pfluger, JM Andino, JA Starke, GW Harrington, P Dacunto, ...
Int. J. Eng. Educ 38 (5), 1366-1376, 2022
Co-digestion of food waste and wastewater sludge for enhanced methane production and energy security on military installations
A Pfluger, P Dacunto
American Chemical Society SciMeetings 1 (2), 2020
Determining PM₂. ₅ calibration curves for a low-cost particle monitor: common indoor residential aerosols
PJ Dacunto, NE Klepeis, KC Cheng, V Acevedo-Bolton, RT Jiang, ...
Identifying and Quantifying Secondhand Tobacco Smoke in Multiunit Homes
PJ Dacunto
Stanford University, 2013
Real-time particle monitor calibration factors and PM₂. ₅ emission factors for multiple indoor sources
PJ Dacunto, KC Cheng, V Acevedo-Bolton, RT Jiang, NE Klepeis, ...
The stability of marine sediments at a tidal basin in San Francisco Bay amended with activated carbon for sequestration of organic contaminants [Erratum: 2008 Dec., v. 42 …
JR Zimmerman, JD Bricker, PJ Dacunto, RL Street, RG Luthy
Processes & Impacts
PJ Dacunto, NE Klepeis, KC Cheng, V Acevedo-Bolton, RT Jiang, ...
Environmental Science Processes & Impacts
PJ Dacunto, KC Cheng, V Acevedo-Bolton, RT Jiang, NE Klepeis, ...
Calibration Factors for Measuring PM 2.5 Concentrations from Multiple Indoor Sources with a Real-Time Particle Monitor
PJ Dacunto, RT Jiang, V Acevedo-Bolton, KC Cheng, NE Klepeis, ...
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Articles 1–18