Yukio Tomita
Yukio Tomita
Emeritus Professor, Hokkaido University of Education
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Mechanisms of impulsive pressure generation and damage pit formation by bubble collapse
Y Tomita, A Shima
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 169, 535-564, 1986
Interaction of cavitation bubbles with a free surface
PB Robinson, JR Blake, T Kodama, A Shima, Y Tomita
Journal of Applied Physics 89 (12), 8225-8237, 2001
Growth and collapse of cavitation bubbles near a curved rigid boundary
Y Tomita, PB Robinson, RP Tong, JR Blake
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 466, 259-283, 2002
High-speed photographic observations of laser-induced cavitation bubbles in water
Y Tomita, A Shima
Acta Acustica united with Acustica 71 (3), 161-171, 1990
Cavitation bubble behavior and bubble–shock wave interaction near a gelatin surface as a study of in vivo bubble dynamics
T Kodama, Y Tomita
Applied physics B 70, 139-149, 2000
Interaction of two cavitation bubbles with a rigid boundary
JR Blake, PB Robinson, A Shima, Y Tomita
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 255, 707-721, 1993
The growth and collapse of cavitation bubbles near composite surfaces
A Shima, Y Tomita, DC Gibson, JR Blake
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 203, 199-214, 1989
On the behavior of a spherical bubble and the impulse pressure in a viscous compressible liquid
Bulletin of JSME 20 (149), 1453-1460, 1977
Mechanism of impact pressure generation from spark-generated bubble collapse near a wall
A Shima, K Takayama, Y Tomita, N Ohsawa
Aiaa Journal 21 (1), 55-59, 1983
Transfection effect of microbubbles on cells in superposed ultrasound waves and behavior of cavitation bubble
T Kodama, Y Tomita, K Koshiyama, MJK Blomley
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 32 (6), 905-914, 2006
An experimental study on effects of a solid wall on the motion of bubbles and shock waves in bubble collapse
A Shima, K Takayama, Y Tomita, N Miura
Acta Acustica united with Acustica 48 (5), 293-301, 1981
Interaction of laser-induced cavitation bubbles with composite surfaces
Y Tomita, T Kodama
Journal of Applied Physics 94 (5), 2809-2816, 2003
Numerical analysis of a gas bubble near a rigid boundary in an oscillatory pressure field
K Sato, Y Tomita, A Shima
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 95 (5), 2416-2424, 1994
The art, craft and science of modelling jet impact in a collapsing cavitation bubble
JR Blake, Y Tomita, RP Tong
In Fascination of Fluid Dynamics: A Symposium in Honour of Leen van …, 1998
Dynamic behavior of two‐laser‐induced bubbles in water
Y Tomita, A Shima, K Sato
Applied physics letters 57 (3), 234-236, 1990
Collapse of multiple gas bubbles by a shock wave and induced impulsive pressure
Y Tomita, A Shima, T Ohno
Journal of applied physics 56 (1), 125-131, 1984
The behavior of a spherical bubble near a solid wall in a compressible liquid
A Shima, Y Tomita
Archive of Applied Mechanics 51 (3-4), 243-255, 1981
The collapse of a gas bubble attached to a solid wall by a shock wave and the induced impact pressure
Y Tomita, A Shima, K Takahashi
Behavior of laser-induced cavitation bubbles in liquid nitrogen
Y Tomita, M Tsubota, K Nagane, N An-Naka
Journal of Applied Physics 88 (10), 5993-6001, 2000
Pulsed jets driven by two interacting cavitation bubbles produced at different times
Y Tomita, K Sato
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 819, 465-493, 2017
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