Rayda Krell
Rayda Krell
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Entomology and pest management
LP Pedigo, ME Rice, RK Krell
Waveland Press, 2021
Multistate infestation with the exotic disease–vector tick Haemaphysalis longicornis—United States, August 2017–September 2018
CB Beard
MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report 67, 2018
Theory, technology, and practice of site-specific insect pest management
YL Park, RK Krell, M Carroll
Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 10 (2), 89-101, 2007
Mechanical and insect transmission of Xylella fastidiosa to Vitis vinifera
RK Krell, EA Boyd, JE Nay, YL Park, TM Perring
American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 58 (2), 211-216, 2007
Bean leaf beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) management for reduction of bean pod mottle virus
RK Krell, LP Pedigo, JH Hill, ME Rice
Journal of Economic Entomology 97 (2), 192-202, 2004
Potential Primary Inoculum Sources of Bean pod mottle virus in Iowa
RK Krell, LP Pedigo, JH Hill, ME Rice
Plant disease 87 (12), 1416-1422, 2003
Using planting date to manage bean pod mottle virus in soybean
RK Krell, LP Pedigo, ME Rice, ME Westgate, JH Hill
Crop Protection 24 (10), 909-914, 2005
Exotic Haemaphysalis longicornis (Acari: Ixodidae) in the United States: Biology, Ecology, and Strategies for Management
BL Schappach, RK Krell, VL Hornbostel, NP Connally
Journal of Integrated Pest Management 11 (1), 21, 2020
A proposal for public and private partnership in extension
RK Krell, ML Fisher, KL Steffey
Journal of Integrated Pest Management 7 (1), 4, 2016
Comparison of estimated costs and benefits of site-specific versus uniform management for the bean leaf beetle in soybean
RK Krell, LP Pedigo, BA Babcock
Precision Agriculture 4, 401-411, 2003
Spatial distribution of Pierce’s disease related to incidence, vineyard characteristics, and surrounding land uses
YL Park, TM Perring, RK Krell, JM Hashim-Buckey, BL Hill
American journal of enology and viticulture 62 (2), 229-238, 2011
Generation of prescription maps for curative and preventative site-specific management of bean leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
YL Park, RK Krell
Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 8 (4), 375-380, 2005
Characterization of bean leaf beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) flight capacity
RK Krell, TA Wilson, LP Pedigo, ME Rice
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 406-416, 2003
Intraplant sampling of grapevines for Pierce's disease diagnosis
RK Krell, TM Perring, CA Farrar, YL Park, C Gispert
Plant disease 90 (3), 351-357, 2006
Spatial distribution of Pierce’s disease in the Coachella Valley: Implications for sampling
YL Park, TM Perring, RK Krell, CA Farrar, C Gispert
American journal of enology and viticulture 57 (2), 220-225, 2006
Spray Safe, Play Safe: Story-Based Films Increase Homeowner Confidence About Backyard Tick Management
VL Hornbostel, RK Krell, JJ Reid, BL Schappach, S Volpe, NP Connally
Journal of Medical Entomology 58 (2), 857-865, 2021
The soybean leaf miner (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) as a vector of bean pod mottle virus.
BJ Werner, RK Krell, LP Pedigo, JH Hill
Susceptibility of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Redglobe and Thompson Seedless to Pierce’s disease
RK Krell, TM Perring, JM Hashim-Buckey, TR Pinckard
American journal of enology and viticulture 59 (1), 61-66, 2008
Identifying trusted sources of lyme disease prevention information among internet users connected to academic public health resources: internet-based survey study
HL Kopsco, RK Krell, TN Mather, NP Connally
JMIR Formative Research 7, e43516, 2023
Identifying trusted sources of Lyme disease prevention information among internet users
HL Kopsco, R Krell, NP Connally, T Mather
Prim Care 9, 8-2, 2022
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