Eric Schwarz
Cited by
Cited by
Advanced theory and practice in sport marketing
EC Schwarz, JD Hunter
Routledge, 2017
Managing sport facilities and major events
EC Schwarz, H Westerbeek, D Liu, P Emery, P Turner
Routledge, 2016
Sport facility operations management: A global perspective
EC Schwarz, SA Hall, S Shibli
Routledge, 2015
The effects of Coronavirus pandemic on the sports industry: An update
S Keshkar, G Dickson, A Ahonen, K Swart, F Addesa, A Epstein, M Dodds, ...
Annals of Applied Sport Science 9 (1), 0-0, 2021
Impacts and implications of an annual major sport event: A host community perspective
Q Yao, EC Schwarz
Journal of destination marketing & management 8, 161-169, 2018
Recreation, arts, events and festivals: Their contribution to a sense of community in the Colac–Otway Shire of Country Victoria
EC Schwarz, R Tait
Rural Society 17 (2), 125-138, 2007
Economic impact report on global rugby. part III: strategic and emerging markets
S Chadwick, A Semens, EC Schwarz, D Zhang
Coventry, UK: Centre for International Business of Sport, Coventry University, 2010
Assessing the community beliefs about the corporate social responsibility practices of professional football clubs in China
D Liu, EC Schwarz
Soccer & Society 21 (5), 584-601, 2020
Building a sense of community through sport programming and special events: the role of sport marketing in contributing to social capital
EC Schwarz
International journal of entrepreneurship and small business 7 (4), 478-487, 2009
Sport Facility Operations Management: A Global Perspective
S Hall, S Shibli, E Schwarz
Routledge, 2010
Experiential learning from an international perspective: An empirical study of the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand
T Bradbury, E Schwarz, A Linton
International Journal of Sport Management 22 (1), 55-73, 2021
Marketing professional clubs to a foreign market: the brand image of Real Madrid and its impact on behavior intentions from a Chinese perspective
D Liu, EC Schwarz
Sport in Society 23 (11), 1753-1773, 2020
Lifeguard turnover in aquatic and recreation centres: Perspectives from managers
M Butson, J Tower, EC Schwarz
Australian Journal of Career Development 30 (1), 33-42, 2021
The Role of demography and migration in shaping the future of leisure, recreation, and sport
E Schwarz, NI Jamieson, BG Pitts
International Journal of Sport Management 16 (4), 620-644, 2015
The reciprocal and influential connection between sport marketing and management and the sport sciences
EC Schwarz
International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing 7 (1-2), 33-43, 2010
The perceived value of marketing techniques utilized by NBA marketing directors
R Dick, EC Schwarz
Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness 14 (1), 38-47, 2020
Transnational venue management corporations and local embeddedness: A case study on the Mercedes-Benz Arena in Shanghai, China
Q Yao, EC Schwarz
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 18 (1), 70-80, 2017
Economic impact report on global rugby: Part III
S Chadwick, A Semens, EC Schwarz, D Zhang
Strategic and emerging markets. Centre for the International Business of …, 2011
Economic impact report on global Rugby
S Chadwick, A Semens, EC Schwarz, D Zhang
Part III: Strategic and Emerging Markets. Coventry, UK: Centre for …, 2010
C., Hunter, J., D.,(2008): Advanced Theory and Practice in Sport Marketing
E Schwarz
Elsevier Inc, 0
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Articles 1–20