Kerry Key
Kerry Key
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
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1D inversion of multicomponent, multifrequency marine CSEM data: Methodology and synthetic studies for resolving thin resistive layers
K Key
Geophysics 74 (2), F9-F20, 2009
MARE2DEM: a 2-D inversion code for controlled-source electromagnetic and magnetotelluric data
K Key
Geophysical Journal International 207 (1), 571-588, 2016
2D marine controlled-source electromagnetic modeling: Part 1—An adaptive finite-element algorithm
Y Li, K Key
Geophysics 72 (2), WA51-WA62, 2007
Melt-rich channel observed at the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary
S Naif, K Key, S Constable, RL Evans
Nature 495 (7441), 356-359, 2013
A parallel goal-oriented adaptive finite element method for 2.5-D electromagnetic modelling
K Key, J Ovall
Geophysical Journal International 186 (1), 137-154, 2011
Adaptive finite-element modeling using unstructured grids: The 2D magnetotelluric example
K Key, C Weiss
Geophysics 71 (6), G291-G299, 2006
First results from a marine controlled‐source electromagnetic survey to detect gas hydrates offshore Oregon
KA Weitemeyer, SC Constable, KW Key, JP Behrens
Geophysical Research Letters 33 (3), 2006
The feasibility of reservoir monitoring using time-lapse marine CSEM
A Orange, K Key, S Constable
Geophysics 74 (2), F21-F29, 2009
Electrical image of passive mantle upwelling beneath the northern East Pacific Rise
K Key, S Constable, L Liu, A Pommier
Nature 495 (7442), 499-502, 2013
Marine electromagnetic studies of seafloor resources and tectonics
K Key
Surveys in geophysics 33, 135-167, 2012
Bayesian inversion of marine CSEM data with a trans-dimensional self parametrizing algorithm
A Ray, K Key
Geophysical Journal International 191 (3), 1135-1151, 2012
Is the fast Hankel transform faster than quadrature?
K Key
Geophysics 77 (3), F21-F30, 2012
Broad-band waveforms and robust processing for marine CSEM surveys
D Myer, S Constable, K Key
Geophysical Journal International 184 (2), 689-698, 2011
Water‐rich bending faults at the M iddle A merica T rench
S Naif, K Key, S Constable, RL Evans
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (8), 2582-2597, 2015
Mapping 3D salt using the 2D marine magnetotelluric method: Case study from Gemini Prospect, Gulf of Mexico
KW Key, SC Constable, CJ Weiss
Geophysics 71 (1), B17-B27, 2006
Mapping offshore sedimentary structure using electromagnetic methods and terrain effects in marine magnetotelluric data
S Constable, K Key, L Lewis
Geophysical Journal International 176 (2), 431-442, 2009
Robust and accelerated Bayesian inversion of marine controlled-source electromagnetic data using parallel tempering
A Ray, DL Alumbaugh, GM Hoversten, K Key
Geophysics 78 (6), E271-E280, 2013
Resolution of reservoir scale electrical anisotropy from marine CSEM data
V Brown, M Hoversten, K Key, J Chen
Geophysics 77 (2), E147-E158, 2012
Aquifer systems extending far offshore on the US Atlantic margin
C Gustafson, K Key, RL Evans
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 8709, 2019
Stochastic inversion of magnetotelluric data using a sharp boundary parameterization and application to a geothermal site
J Chen, GM Hoversten, K Key, G Nordquist, W Cumming
Geophysics 77 (4), E265-E279, 2012
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