Shi-Ying Lim
Cited by
Cited by
Barriers to interorganizational knowledge transfer in post-hospital care transitions: Review and directions for information systems research
SY Lim, SL Jarvenpaa, HJ Lanham
Journal of Management Information Systems 32 (3), 48-74, 2015
How to survive and thrive in complex, hypercompetitive, and disruptive ecosystems? The roles of IS-enabled capabilities
H Tanriverdi, SY Lim
Institutional barriers against innovation diffusion: from the perspective of digital health startups
SY Lim, EG Anderson
2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 3328-3337, 2016
Trust in virtual online environments
SL Jarvenpaa, C Cantu, SY Lim
The Wiley Blackwell handbook of the psychology of the internet at work, 103-130, 2017
Are more frequent releases always better? Dynamics of pivoting, scaling, and the minimum viable product
E Anderson, SY Lim, N Joglekar
The emergence of novel product uses: An investigation of exaptations in IKEA hacks
TH Chan, SY Lim
Management Science 69 (5), 2870-2892, 2023
Review of research on knowledge transfer in care transitions: Trust-enhancing principles for information systems design
SY Lim, SL Jarvenpaa, HJ Lanham
2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 3148-3157, 2015
Understanding Generativity in Use: Triggers, and Search Paths in IKEA User Hacks
TH Chan, SY Lim
The temporal dimension of copresence in medical practice: the case of telestroke
I Taani, I Faik, L Shi Ying, T Tianming
Academy of Management, 2020
Entrepreneurial design of a digital health business
SY Lim
Searching for Product-Market Fit with Low Code/No Code Tools: Effects on Time to Product-Market Fit of Digital Start-ups
Y Sun, SY Lim, KY Goh
No Code Tools: Effects on Time to Product-Market Fit of Digital Start-ups …, 2024
Commitment and Learning in Ventures' Pursuit of Product-Market Fit in Digital Health
D Hannah, SY Lim
Available at SSRN 5026837, 2024
Legitimacy Tradeoffs: Use of Low-Code/No-Code Tools and Digital Start-ups’ Funding
Y Sun, SY Lim, KY Goh
Use of Externally-Sourced Digital Components and Start-ups’ Time to Product Market Fit
Y Sun, SY Lim, KY Goh
Academy of Management Proceedings 2023 (1), 11732, 2023
Searching for Product-Market Fit with Externally Developed Components: Effects on Time to Product-Market Fit
Y Sun, SY Lim, KY Goh
The dark side of digital platforms: understanding small and medium enterprises' dependence on third-party platforms
A Asadullah, I Faik, SY Lim
Loughborough University, 2023
A Dynamic Model of Platform Versioning and Its Impact on Third-Party Developers
B Tan, SY Lim, E Anderson, S Um
Enacting social presence in fast-response distributed environments
I Taani, I Faik, SY Lim
London School of Economics and Political Science, 2021
Do Frequent Platform Versions Benefit Platform Developers and Owners?
B Tan Erciyes, SY Lim, S Um, E Anderson
Resourcing for Large-Scale Mobilization: A Lesson from Singapore's Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
SY Lim, C Hoo Tan
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Articles 1–20