Anna Pauliina Rainio
Anna Pauliina Rainio
Senior University Lecturer (Early Childhood Education and Care), Docent (Educational Psychology)
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From resistance to involvement: Examining agency and control in a playworld activity
AP Rainio
Mind, Culture, and Activity 15 (2), 115-140, 2008
Lionhearts of the playworld: An ethnographic case study of the development of agency in play pedagogy
AP Rainio
Helsingin yliopisto, 2010
Dealing with the contradiction of agency and control during dialogic teaching
A Rajala, K Kumpulainen, AP Rainio, J Hilppö, L Lipponen
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 10, 17-26, 2016
Ilmiölähtöisesti kohti innostavaa oppimista
K Lonka, L Hietajärvi, R Hohti, M Nuorteva, AP Rainio, N Sandström, ...
Näin rakennat monialaisia oppimiskokonaisuuksia, 49-76, 2015
The dialectics of agency in educational ethnography
AP Rainio, J Hilppö
Ethnography and Education 12 (1), 78-94, 2017
Children’s sense of agency in preschool: A sociocultural investigation
J Hilppö, L Lipponen, K Kumpulainen, A Rainio
International Journal of Early Years Education 24 (2), 157-171, 2016
Developing the classroom as a “figured world”
AP Rainio
Journal of Educational change 9, 357-364, 2008
Playworlds: An art of development
A Marjanovic-Shane, B Ferholt, K Miyazaki, M Nilsson, AP Rainio, ...
Play, Performance, Learning and Development: Exploring Relationship 11, 3-32, 2011
Suojassa, mutta näkyvissä-taidelähtöiset menetelmät osallisuuden rakentajina lastensuojelussa
P Känkänen, AP Rainio
Nuorisotutkimus 28 (4), 4-20, 2010
Teacher professional dialogues during a school intervention: From stabilization to possibility discourse through reflexive noticing
AP Rainio, R Hofmann
Journal of the learning sciences 30 (4-5), 707-746, 2021
From ambivalence to agency: Becoming an author, an actor and a hero in a drama workshop
AP Rainio, A Marjanovic-Shane
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 2 (2), 111-125, 2013
Suojassa, syrjässä, selvinneenä–huostaan otetut ja sijoitetut lapset Suomessa
T Heino, T Eronen, K Kataja, L Kestilä, P Känkänen, R Paananen, T Pösö, ...
Ketä kiinnostaa? Lasten ja nuorten hyvinvointi ja syrjäytyminen, 50, 2013
It doesn't matter what part you play, it just matters that you're there: towards shared agency in narrative play activity in school
R Hofmann, AP Rainio
Language in action: Vygotsky and Leontievian legacy today, 308-328, 2007
Vastarinnasta osallisuuteen-toimijaksi juonellisessa leikkipedagogiikassa
AP Rainio
Sukelluksia lapsinäkökulmaiseen tutkimukseen ja toimintaan, 107-139, 2012
Horses, girls, and agency: Gender in play pedagogy
AP Rainio
Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 11 (1), 27-44, 2009
Transformations in teachers’ discourse about their students during a school-led pedagogic intervention
AP Rainio, R Hofmann
European Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences 13 (2), 1815-1829, 0
Teacher support of student engagement in early childhood: Embracing ambivalence through playworlds
B Ferholt, AP Rainio
Early Years 36 (4), 413-425, 2016
Ghosts, bodyguards and fighting fillies: Manifestations of pupil agency in play pedagogy
A Rainio
Actio: an international journal of human activity theory 1, 149-160, 2007
Children and the COVID-19 lockdown: From child perspectives to children’s perspectives
J Hilppö, A Rainio, A Rajala, L Lipponen
Cultural Praxis 20 (6), 24-32, 2020
Lionhearts of the playworld
AP Rainio
An ethnographic case study of the development of agency in play pedagogy …, 2010
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Articles 1–20