Mellick Chehade
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Cited by
Large femoral heads decrease the incidence of dislocation after total hip arthroplasty: a randomized controlled trial
DW Howie, OT Holubowycz, R Middleton, Large Articulation Study Group
JBJS 94 (12), 1095-1102, 2012
Clinical implications of stiffness and strength changes in fracture healing
MJ Chehade, AP Pohl, MJ Pearcy, N Nawana
The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume 79 (1), 9-12, 1997
Weight-bearing-induced displacement and migration over time of fracture fragments following split depression fractures of the lateral tibial plateau: a case series with …
LB Solomon, SA Callary, AW Stevenson, MA McGee, MJ Chehade, ...
The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume 93 (6), 817-823, 2011
Innovations to improve access to musculoskeletal care
MJ Chehade, L Yadav, D Kopansky-Giles, M Merolli, E Palmer, ...
Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology 34 (5), 101559, 2020
Epidemiology and postoperative outcomes of atypical femoral fractures in older adults: a systematic review
KSF Khow, P Shibu, SCY Yu, MJ Chehade, R Visvanathan
The Journal of nutrition, health and aging 21 (1), 83-91, 2017
Influence of fracture stability on early patient mortality and reoperation after pertrochanteric and intertrochanteric hip fractures
MJ Chehade, T Carbone, D Awward, A Taylor, C Wildenauer, ...
Journal of orthopaedic trauma 29 (12), 538-543, 2015
Australian and New Zealand guideline for hip fracture care: improving outcomes in hip fracture management of adults
Australian and New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry (ANZHFR) Steering Group
Australian and New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry, 2014
The subcristal pelvic external fixator: technique, results, and rationale
LB Solomon, AP Pohl, A Sukthankar, MJ Chehade
Journal of orthopaedic trauma 23 (5), 365-369, 2009
Perspectives of frailty and frailty screening: protocol for a collaborative knowledge translation approach and qualitative study of stakeholder understandings and experiences
MM Archibald, R Ambagtsheer, J Beilby, MJ Chehade, TK Gill, ...
BMC geriatrics 17, 1-8, 2017
A global perspective on the challenges and opportunities in learning about rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases in undergraduate medical education: White paper by the World …
M Al Maini, Y Al Weshahi, HE Foster, MJ Chehade, SE Gabriel, JA Saleh, ...
Clinical rheumatology 39, 627-642, 2020
Circulating RANKL is inversely related to RANKL mRNA levels in bone in osteoarthritic males
D Findlay, M Chehade, H Tsangari, S Neale, S Hay, B Hopwood, ...
Arthritis research & therapy 10, 1-9, 2008
Should we provide outreach rehabilitation to very old people living in Nursing Care Facilities after a hip fracture? A randomised controlled trial
M Crotty, M Killington, E Liu, ID Cameron, S Kurrle, B Kaambwa, O Davies, ...
Age and ageing 48 (3), 373-380, 2019
Orthopaedic surgeons’ perceptions of frailty and frailty screening
MM Archibald, M Lawless, TK Gill, MJ Chehade
BMC geriatrics 20, 1-11, 2020
Surgical education and training in Australia and New Zealand
JP Collins, ID Civil, M Sugrue, Z Balogh, MJ Chehade
World journal of surgery 32, 2138-2144, 2008
Building multidisciplinary health workforce capacity to support the implementation of integrated, people-centred Models of Care for musculoskeletal health
MJ Chehade, TK Gill, D Kopansky-Giles, L Schuwirth, J Karnon, ...
Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology 30 (3), 559-584, 2016
The accuracy and precision of radiostereometric analysis in monitoring tibial plateau fractures
LB Solomon, AW Stevenson, SA Callary, TR Sullivan, DW Howie, ...
Acta orthopaedica 81 (4), 487-494, 2010
Development of the Australian core competencies in musculoskeletal basic and clinical science project—phase 1
MJ Chehade, A Bachorski
Medical journal of Australia 189 (3), 162-165, 2008
Utilising digital health technology to support patient-healthcare provider communication in fragility fracture recovery: systematic review and meta-analysis
L Yadav, A Haldar, U Jasper, A Taylor, R Visvanathan, M Chehade, T Gill
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (20), 4047, 2019
Co-designing evidence-based videos in health care: a case exemplar of developing creative knowledge translation “evidence-experience” resources
M Archibald, R Ambagtsheer, MT Lawless, MO Thompson, T Shultz, ...
International Journal of Qualitative Methods 20, 16094069211019623, 2021
Surgical anatomy for pelvic external fixation
LB Solomon, AP Pohl, MJ Chehade, AM Malcolm, DW Howie, ...
Clinical Anatomy 21 (7), 674-682, 2008
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Articles 1–20