Ameneh Tarakemeh
Ameneh Tarakemeh
Research assistant
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Cited by
Screening of Amaryllidaceae alkaloids in bulbs and tissue cultures of Narcissus papyraceus and four varieties of N. tazetta
A Tarakemeh, M Azizi, V Rowshan, H Salehi, R Spina, F Dupire, H Arouie, ...
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 172, 230-237, 2019
Exogenous melatonin stimulated Amaryllidaceae alkaloid biosynthesis in in vitro cultures of Leucojum aestivum L
A Ptak, M Simlat, E Morańska, E Skrzypek, M Warchoł, A Tarakemeh, ...
Industrial Crops and Products 138, 111458, 2019
Essential Oil Content and Composition of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare L.) Fruits at Different Stages of Development
MJ Saharkhiz, A Tarakeme
Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 14 (5), 605-609, 2011
Comparing essential oil composition and essential oil yield of Rosmarinus officinalis and Lavandula angustifolia before and full flowering stages
S Najafian, V Rowshan, A Tarakemeh
International Journal of Applied Biology and Technology 3, 212-218, 2012
Essential Oil Content and Composition of Lavandula Angustifolia Mill. as Affected by Drying Method and Extraction Time
A Tarakemeh, V Rowshan, S Najafian
Analytical Chemistry Letters 2 (4), 244-249, 2012
Comparison of Salvia mirzayanii volatile compounds extracted by headspace extraction and hydrodistillation methods.
V Rowshana, A Tarakemehb
Bentonite Mitigates the Adverse Effects of Drought Stress in Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)
F Mohammadifard, A Tarakemeh, M Moghaddam, M Zim
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2022
Essential oil chemical composition changes affected by leaf ontogeny stages of myrtle (Myrtus communis L.).
V Rowshan, S Najafian, A Tarakemeh
Effect of Drying Method on the Essential Oil Quantity of Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.)
A Tarakemeh, A Abutalebi
Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 15 (3), 503-505, 2012
Phytochemical variations within aerial parts of Ferula cupularis populations, an endangered medicinal plant from Iran
R Narimani, A Tarakemeh, M Moghaddam, M Mahmoodi Sourestani
Chemistry and biodiversity, 2021
Quantitative determination of Lycorine and Galanthamine in different in vitro tissues of Narcissus tazetta by GC-MS
A Tarakemeh, M Azizi, V Rowshan, H Salehi, R Spina, F Dupire, H Arouei, ...
International Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology 6 (2), 151-157, 2019
Chemical composition of Scaligeria meifolia Boiss. essential oil from Iran
V Rowshan, A Tarakemeh
Herba Polonica 59 (1), 29-34, 2013
Volatile compounds of pistacia atlantica Desf. galls and leaves by Combi-PAL system technique
V Rowshan, A Bahmanzadegan, A Tarakemeh
Technical Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2013
Identification of Amaryllidaceae alkaloids in bulbs and in vitro cultures in various species of Narcissus using GC-MS and LC-MS
A Tarakemeh, M Azizi, V Rowshan, H Salehi, R Spina, F Dupire, H Arouie, ...
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Articles 1–14